Program areas at LSC
Basic field grants: promotes equal access to justice by awarding basic field grants to 133 independent Legal aid organizations serving every county in every state, the district of columbia, and u.s. Territories through a competitive grants process.
Pro bono innovative funds:lsc awards pro bono innovative funds on a competitive basis annually to develop, test, and replicate innovative pro bono efforts that enable grantees to expand access to Legal assistance using private, volunteer lawyers.
Emergency disaster relief grants:provides funding to lsc- funded organizations providing Services to survivors of government-declared emergencies.
Technology initiative grants:lsc awards technology initiative grants on a competitive basis annually to grantees to expand access to justice through the use of technology.
Veterans pro bono grants:facilitates the provision of high quality Legal and other assistance without charge to veterans and other individuals who are unable to afford the cost of Legal representation in connection with decisions of, or other proceedings in the u.s. court of appeals for veteran claims.
Loan repayment assistance program:lsc awards loan repayment assistance grants on a competitive basis to assist grantees retain and recruit attorneys with law school loans.
Other program expenses:lsc engages in several programs and initiatives to help improve the civil Legal aid problem in america.