Program areas at LSEM
Health: ensuring people in our communities receive the health care they need, resources to feed their families and other public benefits, including Legal needs for persons living with mental illness. In 2023, we provided Legal assistance which helped 1,657 clients and their household members. Through our community Legal education programs, outreach, collaborations, and referrals, people learn their rights and prevent loss of health care coverage, which helped another 1,448 people.
Basic needs: we reduce homelessness through eviction defense and help the marginalized obtain Services to meet their basic needs. Services provided to veterans, elderly, unaccompanied minors, and immigrants, among others, helped 2,100 people and their household members in completed civil Legal cases (note: this includes clients, household members under 18, and other household members 18 and older). Educating the community on their rights to meet their basic needs through Legal education programs, outreach, collaboration, and referrals to other resources helped another 3,783 people. We help meet basic needs of the larger community through our systemic Legal work.
Safety: our free Legal representation assists survivors of domestic violence escape their cruel abusers. It not only saves the victims lives but also saves their children, and stops a future cycle of violence. We aided 3,306 victims and their family members in completed cases covering all aspects of family law, including protective orders. Our community Legal education, outreach, collaborations, and referrals for needy people and other service providers, helped another 5,343 people. By addressing systemic Legal problems impacting community members' safety we help prevent future abuse.
Education: children's future self-sufficiency depends on meeting their educational needs. We focus on providing Legal assistance to those with special needs or facing unfair discipline. Utilizing a racial equity lens to help stop the school to prison pipeline, we helped 633 children/youth and their household members in completed cases. Our community Legal education provides knowledge of educational law, the first step to seeking help. These education programs along with outreach, collaborations, and referrals to other resources, helped another 1,664 people. We expand the results of our Legal advocacy by addressing systemic Legal problems impacting community members related to education.
Economic stability: enforcing fair consumer protections and combatting consumer scams, helping small businesses form and grow, and helping neighborhoods fix and prevent vacant property problems all create economic stability. This Legal work helped 590 people and their household members in completed cases for clients. People learn about Legal remedies through our community Legal education on these economic stability issues, outreach, collaborations, and referrals to other resources, helping another 16,431 people. Our systemic Legal advocacy helps remove barriers to economic stability.