Program areas at LRF
Research grants - in fiscal year 2023, 16 Research grants were awarded to new investigators studying Leukemia or mds from us-based and international medical institutions. Each grant award is $150,000 over a two-year period, with total Research funding of nearly $2.4 million, the largest annual investment in Research since the Foundation's inception. Research grant awards were selected based on recommendations from the Foundation's independent medical advisory board after a rigorous grant review process.
Patient grant program - in fiscal year 2023, 78 financial assistance grants of up to $1,500 were awarded to patients. This need-based program assists Leukemia patients and their families by easing the financial burden that comes with a Leukemia diagnosis so the focus can be on health and treatment. Grant awards can be used for any expense, including medical bills, medications, transportation and lodging expenses, rent, food, and more.
Patient education and support - in fiscal year 2023, 10 patient education programs were provided for patients and caregivers. Topics were selected based on evaluation responses from past education programs, feedback from patient advisory committee members, and from a participant survey. Programs included the annual new and emerging treatments conference, Leukemia q+a conference, stem cell transplants, nutrition, and chronic graft-versus-host disease. A total of 1,220 participants registered for the patient education programs, which is a 24% increase from the prior year. 92% rated the program as very good or excellent, and 79% indicated they would use the information learned in the program in their care or treatment decisions. In addition to education programs, the Foundation released Leukemia subtype, treatment, and other educational content on, with 74k visits. Our online support community, which includes 2,594 members, is offered for Leukemia patients and caregivers to connect with and learn from one another.