Program areas at Lexington Foundation
Foundation property holder - the Lexington Foundation, Inc. (through fulton county) applied for and was awarded a community development block grant to purchase and renovate a building in mayfield, new york to be used as an arts facility known as the nigra arts center. The building houses the paul nigra center for creative arts and transitions programs.
Paul nigra center for creative arts - the mission of the paul nigra center for creative arts is to provide a creative education resource for people of all ages and abilities while celebrating the arts through classes, entertainment, exhibitions and special events. Additionally, the center is committed to offering accessible art programs for adults and children with developmental and physical differences. The center is open year-round to all members of the community. Offerings include fun family events, educational opportunities, arts programming. The very best of local talent is dedicated to making this center a dynamic place to learn about the arts and contributue to the creative community of the adirondack mountains.
Transitions - transitions, launched in 2015, is a project of the Lexington Foundation, Inc. It is a supportive apprenticeship program for young men and women with autism spectrum disorders and other learning differences. Transitions helps those who want to attend college and/or prepare for a career, but may require academic, social, medical and/or emotional support to be successful. Transitions focuses on building academic skills, life skills and general independence for high school graduates and young adults with learning differences. Its evidence-based curriculum covers social skills, health and wellness, independent life, self-management, and self-advocacy and leadership all essential skills that, once mastered, will steer the apprentices toward success in college, the workplace and living on their own. The program also offers direct support to apprentices who are enrolled in college and to those who are employed.