Program areas at LGBTQ Center Long Beach
Social ServicesServing over 125 clients annually, the Domestic Violence Services department provides individual and group counseling, crisis counseling, shelter placement, and safety planning to all victims irrespective of gender or sexual orientation. The Youth Services Department supports nearly 1500 clients a year across diversified programming including monthly LGBTQ parenting play groups, combined play/support groups for transgender children and their caregivers, a twice-monthly weekend drop-in program for LGBTQ youth ages 9-12, a daily after-school drop in for high school aged LGBTQ youth, and weekly support group and daily case management for young adults up to age 24. The Center's Senior Services department provides monthly drop-in groups, case management, social activities, and community linkage to over 150 clients annually.
Legal ServicesThe Legal Services Department provides assistance to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, hate crimes, stalking, and other violent crimes. The department also manages the organization's free legal clinics and provides name and gender marker change document preparation.
Health ServicesThe health services department consists of HIV testing, STI screening, diagnosing and treatment, and Transgender Health. Services are available 6 days a week during non-traditional office hours and conducts over 3,200 tests and screening of multi-site specimens. Services include risk reduction counseling, behavior modification conversations, linkage to additional physical and mental health services, referrals to accessing PEP and PrEP as well as linkage to internal programs and services. Transgender Health services include, in addition to testing and screening, direct client linkage to housing, employment development, access to affirming primary care including hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and local gender affirming services and specialized medical care.