Program areas at Liberty Fund Incorporated
Liberty Fund colloquia and symposiums: colloquim and symposiums were developed and conducted in the united states, latin america, and europe. Colloquium and symposiums are to foster thought and encourage discourse on enduring issues pertaining to Liberty.
Liberty Fund websites: the library of the classics of Liberty - - is a website dedicated to making the classic texts which contributed to our modern understanding of the nature of limited government, individual Liberty, and the free market more accessible to scholars, students and other interested individuals. The library of economics and Liberty - is a website dedicated to advancing the study of economics, markets, and Liberty. The library of law and Liberty - - is a website dedicated to the content, status, and development of law in the context of republican and limited government and the ways that Liberty and law mutually reinforce the other. is a website focusing on the works of adam smith. All of these sites are part of the Liberty Fund network, and can be accessed under the organization's homepage,
Liberty Fund co-sponsored programs: Liberty Fund administered co-sponsored programs with other non-profit organizations with similar educational and public purposes. Liberty Fund and the co-sponsors have joint or shared responsibilities over planning, developing, coordinating, conducting, and evaluating the conference programs held. As with the Liberty Fund colloquia and symposiums, the co-sponsored programs are to foster thought and encourage discourse on enduring issues pertaining to Liberty.
Income contributes importantly to the continued publication of writings of classic thinkers as well as current writings deemed unprofitable by commercial publishers and to promote the study of Liberty and personal responsibility.