Program areas at Life Teen
Life Teen subscriptions offer structure to parish youth ministers of the catholic church. Life Teen guides youth ministers to use contemporary spirit-filled music, dynamic homilies, and engaging Life nights to emphasize the eucharist and our blessed mother mary. In 2023, Life Teen added a social media position which keeps Life Teen relevant to our demographics via multimedia. Life Teen also offers training and support through its annual national conferences and local one-on-one support through parish trainings by regional coordinators and area contacts. Life Teen showed a 10% increase in Life support subscriptions and held steady in edge support subscriptions in 2023. All of this is done for one purpose: to lead teens closer to christ. We believe that when a teenager encounters christ through the beauty of the catholic faith, they will transform their parish, community, and culture.
Life Teen missions are comprised of 28 full time missionaries and 169 summer missionaries in various locations in 2023. There are two missionary outreach teams available to be invited to run a Life night for parishes who are new to Life Teen. In addition to prayer, community activities and mission work, these missionaries receive formation classes focused on god's love, the missionary heart, prayer, evangelization, the holy spirit, Life Teen core values, theology of the body and the sacraments.
Life Teen camps are designed to provide a retreat/camp experience that 14,864 teens participated in during 2023. Life Teen camps are a refuge, a safe place for fun and friendship that guides teens to build lasting and meaningful relationships with each other and most importantly with jesus christ. Life Teen owns the Life property at camp covecrest located in tiger, Georgia, as well as camp hidden lake in dahlonega, Georgia. In 2023, Life Teen developed a collaborative relationship with a camp property in California and hosted two camp weeks offering experiences to teens who otherwise would not know the power of christ. Overall, Life Teen successfully conducted 23 weeks of summer camps at 90% capacity in two states.
Life Teen communications - Life Teen uses the latest in technology to communicate christ's love to teens. The organization has established its own production studio, Life studios, which enables the organization to produce training and inspirational videos. The organization'swebsite provides further opportunities to spread this message of christ's love to teens in a non-threatening environment.