Program areas at Lifebridge Community Services
Behavioral health Services: Lifebridge Community Services provides outpatient behavioral health and substance abuse counseling Services for youth and adults. Services through our behavioral health Services are provided with a trauma informed approach. Lifebridge provides Services in two locations, bridgeport and fairfield. We also offer specialized care for survivors of domestic violence and intensive case management Services for individuals living with chronic, severe mental illness. Behavioral health provided 22.651 clinical sessions to 1,552 unique individuals.
Youth Services: Lifebridge provided summer day camp and after-school enrichment programs for 194 bridgeport youth in 6th to 9th grade. We provide academic enrichment, an opportunity for youth to explore their skills and talents, in an environment that fosters social and emotional learning. Youth gain access to activities such as robotics, stem, music, visual arts, homework support, and academic tutoring.
Social enterprises: Lifebridge social enterprise programs helped clients retain their independence and improve their nutrition. Sign language interpreting provides Services to deaf, deaf blind and hard of hearing individuals that use sign language as their primary means of communication. Sign language provides service throughout ct to approximately 1,000 deaf individuals. The program enables effective communication in medical, legal, corporate, government, and education for the deaf Community. Our food service enterprise delivered over 280,000 nutritional meals to a combined 2,446 homebound senior citizens and disabled individuals, and to senior citizens in congregate settings.
Economic empowerment: Lifebridge works with other agencies to help individuals and families secure and maintain housing and meet some basic needs. During the fiscal year, Lifebridge Community Services assisted hundreds of individuals with economic empowerment by coordinating assistance with the temporary assistance for needy family program, providing clothing via our Community closet and distribution of thousands of disposable diapers to hundreds of families via our partnership with the diaper bank.