Program areas at Lifes Lessons Ministries
J&J Foods ‘Life's Lesson’s Minisinies Inc incorporates a vanety of | means forcannginthe workplaceand ‘community These include any or all of the following confidential care giving, cnsis intervention ‘Management consultation, programs for worship or prayer, referral to other professionals and agencies ‘raining and education for employees and supervisors, employee/community/church relations and ‘programs, special events scheduled in response to needs which anse inthe workplace. SSS Life's Lessons works with over 500 families 3 week to accomplish these tas
Lathem Farms ae ‘Life's Lesson’s Ministries inc incorporates a vanety of means for caring in the workplace and. Ss~S™~—~—SsSSSCSCS ‘community These include any or all of the foliowing confidential care giving, cnsis intervention ‘management consultation, programs for worship or prayer, referral to other professionals and agencies ‘training and education for employees and supervisors, employee/community/church relations ‘Programs, special events scheduled in response to needs which anse inthe Life's Lessons works with over 800 families a week to accomplish these task
Hulsey Environmental ee as ‘Life's Lesson’s Ministnes Inc incorporates a variety of means for caring in the ‘community These include any or all of the following confidential care giving, cnsis intervention ‘Management consultation, programs for worship or prayer, referral to other professionals and agencies ‘raining and education for employees and supervisors, employee/community/church relations and ‘Programs, special events scheduled in response to needs which anse inthe workplace life's Lessons works with over 500 families a week to accomplish these task