Program areas at LifeSpan
Elderly service program: care managers provided assistance for older adults by assessing their needs and arranging for necessary services to keep them safe in their own homes. The care managers completed many interventions including the initiation and oversight of home-delivered meals, transportation, homemaker, emergency response system, and other home-based services. Client homes were clean and safe, and clients were able to understand and follow up with safety improvement recommendations. Screening/intake staff provided 12,500 units of service through telephone calls, referrals to community services, and individual assessments for the elderly service care managers.
School-based social/service workers: Lifespan assisted students moving closer to graduation and a more promising future by providing social service interventions and resources through the school based programs.
Guardianship: Lifespan staff guardians provided thousands of hours of interventions. The guardianship programs provided services to hundreds of elderly, mentally ill and developmentally disabled individuals who need a surrogate to make their decisions.
Financial counseling and education: certified counselors and coaches, provided one-on-one financial education, support and intervention to families wishing to improve personal finances. Individuals attended financial education, budget management, first-time homebuyer and other financial related workshops/classes offered. Representative payee: Lifespan representative payees served individuals by prioritizing expenses and bill paying based on budget plans. For each new individual, a comprehensive in-person assessment is completed to determine day-to-day needs and a budget giving special consideration to utilities, food, medical expenses, and discretionary spending.