Program areas at LIFT Community Action Agency
EARLY CHILDHOOD - Pre-school and daycare programs for low-income and handicapped children, funded by federal/state grants and parent fees. Early Childhood expenses are approximately 54% of program service expenses.Early Head Start 93 infants & toddlers received services through 3 centers. Early Head Start/Child Care Partnership/Early Learning Centers. Head Start 496 children were provided Head Start services in 28 classrooms.Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) - Provided training and monitoring to 114 daycare homes in 38 counties. CACFP providers receive reimbursements for serving nutritious meals.
COMMUNITY SERVICES Provide necessary community services to reduce poverty and empower low-income families and individuals to become self-sufficient. Community Services expenses are approximately 15% of program service expenses.Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) 70 youth were served by 10 volunteers who contributed hundreds of volunteer hours in service to youth in the court system. 30 children had their cases resolved. Healthy Start 381 pregnant women, 137 inter-conception participants, 239 children, 230 new babies, and 40 fathers were served within the tri-county area. Rx for Oklahoma 4 individuals were assisted in getting their prescriptions for free or a reduced cost.Victims Advocacy Services Provides support services for victims of crime. 140 victims were served in 2023. 1,178 victims received services since inception in July 2015.Emergency Assistance - Through funding received from the Emergency Food & Shelter Program, CSBG-CARES, and local donations to the LIFT Emergency fund and through Salvation Army bell ringing, a total of 28 individuals/families received much needed emergency assistance. Safe Place Healing Hearts - Served 222 victims in areas of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking victims. Since inception in 2017 a total of 1,982 victims have been served.Youth Build - Provided pathways to education and employment through provision of high school education, construction apprenticeship training and life skills activities. Served 37 individuals since receiving new grant award.Tri-County Opiod - Educated 22 volunteer fire departments on how to administer Narcan/Naloxone, opiod misuse, and stigma surrounding opiod use disorder. Conducted 4 Medication Take Back events and received 26 lbs of prescription medicine for proper disposal. Partnered with Parents Helping Parents to start a parent support group for parents with children dealing with addiction issues or who are in recovery.
HOUSING Rehab and weatherization of homes for low income and section 8 housing for low-income, funded by federal/state grants and tenant rental payments. Housing expenses are approximately 20% of program service expenses.Multi-Family Housing LIFT has 60 unit complex and triplexes in Valliant, Garvin, Fort Towson, Antlers, Soper and Boswell. Self Help Housing 18 families are building new homes in 2023 in the eight Southeast Oklahoma counties serviced.Weatherization 27 homes were weatherized within the newly expanded territories of Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Choctaw, Coal, Johnston, Love, Marshall, McCurtain, Murray, Pontotoc and Pushmataha in 2023 to reduce energy consumption making their homes more energy efficient and affordable.Technical and Management Assistance Programs T&MA staff provided training and monitoring to 19 self-help housing grantees in Region II with approximately $24 million in Rural Development 502/504 construction/rehab budgets and approximately $9.5 million in Rural Development Section 523 administrative budgets. 6 of the grantees operate a repair and rehab grant to provide technical assistance for homeowners to have decent, safe, sanitary and increased energy efficiency of their homes.