Program areas at Linda Hall Library Trusts
Acquired and maintained the operating assets of a science, engineering, and technology Library. A total of 4,359 patrons visited the Library in 2023 and the Library's website attracted 323,762 visitors in 2023. A total of 64,550 items from the Library's collection were utilized in 2023 both by in-person and online patrons.
The Library partnered with the Linda Hall Library foundation to produce a total of 66 educational lectures and public programs that attracted 19,555 attendees. The Library also produced three exhibitions in 2023.
The Library hosted 30 research fellows in 2023 in partnership with the Linda Hall Library foundation. Fellows are selected through a competitive application process utilizing an independent selection committee. Fellowships range from one week to four months and utilizes the Library's collection to support the production of original thought and research on the topics of science, engineering, and technology.
Document services income is generated in two ways: (a) a patron comes into the Library and uses the Library's equipment to make a copy of an article found in the collections, or (b) a patron submits a request for a copy of a particular article over the phone, in writing, or via our website. We scan the article and make it available to them on the internet. Our exempt purpose is to provide a research Library open to the public. Since the Library allows limited circulation of its holdings, digital copies provide the user access to the collection without having to physically come to the Library. The Library's partnership with center for research libraries strengthens the Library's ability to preserve and develop historical research collections in the fields of science, engineering and technology and increases visibility and use of the collections within the scholarly research community.
The Library has an information technology-sharing agreement with the spencer art reference Library (sarl). Fees for the implementation and maintenance of the integrated Library system are paid by the Linda Hall Library and the sarl reimburses lhl for its share of the cost.