Program areas at Lions Vision Services A South Carolina Charity
The affordable eye surgery program represents the largest portion of lvs expenses and operations. Lvs maintains the most comprehensive, inclusive, and sustainable eye surgery program of its kind in the state of South Carolina, providing access to critical sight-saving Services that treat A number of eye diseases. Not included in the above figures is additional in-kind income and in-kind expense of 870,973 provided to and used by the organization for discounted surgery Services achieved through partnership with over 80 ophthalmologists, anesthesiologists, and surgery centers around the state.
The affordable eyewear program provides eyeglasses to residents with A demonstratable financial need and no other resources, public or private, to pay for these Services. Lvs will provide A basic pair of single or lined bifocal lenses at no cost to the client. This program does not support special requests including upgrades such as tinted, progressive, or transition lenses. Some other basis types of eyewear devices may also be obtained based on the recommendation of A licensed eyecare profressional. Clients will be referred to A local optometrist if they have not already established A provider to ensure an accurate prescription. The lvs eyeglasses program currently prioritizes applications from areas where there is no active Lions club. Inquiries from residents in areas not currently supported by this program will be referred to the nearest Lions club for assistance. In addition to the direct Services we provide, lvs conducts an array of health awareness, public relations, and Lions club related activities which align with our mission and elevate the role of eyecare in creating healthy communities for all South carolinians. These educational, supportive, coalition building, and public awareness efforts strengthen the core of all lvs programs in our pursuit of ending blindness in poverty.
The santee blind fishing event is A recreational, educational, quality-of- life enhancing event for individuals with blindness or Vision loss and their caregivers. Lvs provides A weekend retreat in the santee region where blind and visually impaired individuals connect with others who have similar shared life experiences and participate in A catch-and-release fishing tournament. Expenses for the program cover food, lodging, transportation, and equipment for clients and volunteers.
The Vision technology program helps blind and visually impaired persons who need various forms of low Vision equipment for household activities or workplace develoment. Lvs utilizes partnerships with vendors, doctors, and donors to build an inventory of Vision technology solutions and A referral system for clients who may need these resources. Vision technology varies greatly in cost and functionality based on the individiual needs of each client. All clients meet with A physician to determine the exact needs and most practical prescritpions for each client after which lvs provides the equipment needed on either A long-term or permanent loan at no cost to the client.