Program areas at Literacy Connects
The adult programs of Literacy Connects, adult basic Literacy and english language acquisition for adults, provided resources, support and ongoing training to 219 volunteers, during the fiscal year these volunteers gave more than 18,748 hours of their time as tutors and teachers to instruct adult learners, at no charge to the learners, in classes facilitated via zoom and in person.
Literacy Connects' reading seed program trained and supported 286 volunteer reading coaches to work one-to-one with 992 kindergarten through second grade students in title i schools. The students were provided extra support in improving their Literacy skills and developing healthy relationships with books and reading through the mentorship of a caring adult. Reading coaches contributed 17,955 hours of service, resultjng in students averaging 18 hours of reading support throughout the school year. The program offered a lending library of 23,217 books that match students' interests and distributed over 22,892 free books throughout the county to help children build home libraries and become independent readers so that they can become lifelong learners. The objective of reading seed in 2021- 2022 is to rebuild our volunteer numbers in order to return to pre-pandemic service levels. Our long-term goal is to expand our intensive kindergarten program to increase our impact at each school, resulting in an increased number of students reading at grade level by the end of third grade.
Stories that soar is a Literacy and arts integration program that promotes writing and creative expression by honoring children's original stories through the arts. This fiscal year, their professional theatre program inspired 5,330 elemetary and middle school children to write 7,254 stories, 25 of which were presented back to students via on-line platforms, 357 through live theatre, and 6 through public radio. See schedule o for more information on revenue and the value of volunteers labor not reflected on this return.
Reach out and read southern Arizona (rorsa) promotes healthy brain growth, positive social-emotional development, and school readiness by giving families resources and information to make reading aloud part of their daily routine. By integrating reading into pediatric practices, rqrsa partners with doctors in 59 clinics, reaching 48,110 children from birth to