Program areas at Literacy Services of Wisconsin
Credentialing programs - we provide direct instruction and credentialing Services for adults looking to earn a hsed or ged. Adults assessed at or above a 7th-grade level meet with our staff to determine the most appropriate path to their learning and employment goals. Using a highly personalized one-on-one volunteer tutoring model, adult learners may choose to study subjects at their own pace to prepare for the four state-certified ged exams: language arts, math, science, and social studies. Alternatively, students may choose to enter a hsed program, or one of the pre-apprenticeship contextualized hseds that offer additional training for the skilled trades in construction and manufacturing. Hsed courses are competency-based and delivered in a cohort model in which learning is customized and relevant to each learner's skills, goals and schedule.
Adult education - for learners at lower Literacy levels, we are the only organization in our community implementing the evidence-based wilson reading system. Under two certified staff leaders, this rigorous program provides highly effective instruction using a phonetic approach to reading for adults. Mid-level learners wishing to transition to secondary credentialing programs are enrolled in bridge courses intended to prepare them for language and numeracy skills needed to obtain a high school equivalency diploma (hsed) or ged. All students identify individual goals and build soft skills for employment while engaged in academic studies.
English language learning (ell) - this program addresses the barriers and lack of access to Services that adults from other language backgrounds and their families face daily. Gaining fluency in english is essential to fully participate in our community and to acquire, maintain, and advance in employment that provides a family-sustaining wage. We offer various modes of english language instruction, including one-on-one tutoring, small group, classroom, and the current development of a hybrid model.