Program areas at Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly
Visiting program: staff and volunteers alleviate the loneliness of isolated older adults by visiting them one on one, in person and on the phone. the older adults and their visitors may do activities together like going out for lunch, working on craft project, going to a ball game, or just sharing a cup of coffee and talking. They build meaningful friendships that make a difference.
Direct services: while the mission of lbfe is to alleviate isolation and loneliness, we also provide some direct services to the isolated and lonely older adults who are participants in our programs. These services include a monthly food bag program as well as providing limited transportation, one-time emergency assistance, and, for older adults grappling with larger issues, the oversight of a licensed clinical social worker.
Social activities: lbfe's older adults begin to build connections through social activities, and they have many opportunities to spend time with Friends throughout the year. Large parties are held on thanksgiving and christmas day in three locations across the city. Each spring, lbfe hosts the fete d'armand marquiset, a party celebrating the founder. Every month, there is a birthday party so that older adults who are born in that month can celebrate with Friends. the lbfe coffee club meets weekly and shares coffee and conversation on thursday mornings. the movie club and creative cafe meet ten times a year to give older adults an opportunity to spend time with peers and share interests. Our lloyd walding brain fitness center provides tutoring and social opportunities to older adults, while teaching them how to connect to peers on the internet.
Vacations: lbfe provides vacation experiences to combat loneliness by giving our older adults the opportunity to spend a few days or hours outside the city together, building friendships. Lbfe offers vacation experiences from a few hours for older adults who are homebound, day-long getaways for elders who can travel and four day/three night vacations for older adults who are able to travel outside of chicago. Vacations are offered free of charge to participating elders. In the past, vacation experiences have been limited to summer programs. Beginning in fiscal year 2014, lbfe began offering year-round vacations and programs at a dedicated property audrey's house, in batavia, il.