Program areas at Live Violence Free
Dv - domestic Violence 24-hour crisis intervention and counseling, emergency shelter and transitional housing, food, clothing, transportation and referral, accompaniment and advocacy throughout the medical and legal processes, social services and other services, legal services, supervised visitation and safe exchange, prevention / community education. Donated services from volunteers were received for this program.
Ca - child abuse 24-hour crisis intervention and counseling, emergency shelter and transitional housing, food, clothing, transportation and referral, accompaniment and advocacy throughout the medical and legal processes, social services and other services, legal services, supervised visitation and safe exchange, prevention / community education.
Sa - sexual assualt 24-hour crisis intervention and counseling, emergency shelter and transitional housing, food, clothing, transportation and referral, accompaniment and advocacy throughout the medical and legal processes, social services and other services, legal services, supervised visitation and safe exchange, prevention / community education. Donated services from volunteers were received for this program.