Program areas at LiveGirl
Mentoring: confidence club provides girls with a positive adult role model and creates a safe space for girls to develop self-esteem and social-emotional intelligence. Confidence club is a facilitated discussion group that creates a brave space for girls. The small group meets weekly with a professional mentor to share concerns & interests. The curriculum-based program builds social-emotional intelligence and self-esteem, the building blocks of a confident leaders.
Camp Livegirl: camp Livegirl sets a course for girls to become confident, inclusive leaders in a fun, team-based environment. Our evidence-based brave leaders academy provides impactful inclusive leadership development, while our team-based activities, fierce female role models & stem designlab inspire!
She works: she works equips diverse, young women with career-readiness skills and connects them with internships at companies that demonstra female leadership. She works will provide the education, tools, and resources that young women need to thrive. Skills gained through the she works program include: resume-building/writing, interviewing, networking, public speaking, and access to career development tools. She works is an accredited, equal opportunity internship program with both paid and unpaid internships and volunteer opportunities (determined by employer).
SHINE ON SCHOLARSHIP: Scholarships awarded to young women to further their education