Program areas at Lotus Bloom
Who we serve: Lotus Bloom's target audience includes multicultural, low- income families who otherwise may not have access to high quality early childhood educational opportunities for their children; especially those who may feel isolated and would benefit from being a part of a community of families and caregivers. Who we are: Lotus Bloom is a family resource center where children aged 0-5and their parents/caregivers learn, play, gain confidence and find connections to other parents, health resources, and education resources. 70% of staff are former caregivers who participated in Lotus Bloom playgroups previously.
In 2022-23 impact 's: 1110 participants served. 193 families attended playgroups in person; 50+ parents and caregivers attended workshops 75 parents and caregivers attended virtual workshops on child behavior, wellness, and early childhood 311 families received support through our family navigation program 343 families benefited from our diaper program, with 3151 diaper boxes distributed 32 families received financial support through our rapid response fund
Playgroups - Lotus Bloom offered playgroup programs four times per week to serve families in the san antonio, castlemont, and downtown/chinatown/west oakland neighborhoods. Family navigation services to support the wellness, resources, referrals, enrollment into programs/school, and public benefits, etc. Lotus Bloom also provided an enrolled diaper program and distributions to families. Lotus Bloom administered emergency funds for families. Lotus Bloom brings together network of providers to share knowledge and resources. Lotus Bloom also administered a community fund for projects throughout oakland for network members.