Program areas at Louisiana Wildlife Agents Association
Publication and distribution of the Louisiana game warden magazine: four issues of the magazine were published and distributed to the organization's members, retirees, elected state district court judges, district attorneys, state senators, state representatives, sheriffs, and the state governor free of charge. Businesses that purchased ad space in the magazine also receive a copy. The magazine provides members a forum to share experiences encountered as a Wildlife agent, experiences as lwaa members, and current issues that affect the Louisiana Wildlife agent profession. The magazine also serves as a tool to keep the public and public officials aware of the services that Wildlife Agents provide each day to the general public and general hunting and boat safety issues that are beneficial for all individuals to be aware of.
Financial assistance for special needs: financial assistance is given to various individuals for needs due to critical illness, death, or other catastrophe.
Hosting the annual Louisiana Wildlife Agents Association convention: approximately 155 members of the Louisiana Wildlife agent'Agents's Association attended the annual conference which takes place over a weekend. The conference is the only event held by the ogranization at which a large portion of the members are present simultaneously. The organization takes this opportunity to inform and educate members regarding issues that are important to them as Louisiana Wildlife Agents. Speakers at the conference include public officials and staff from the Louisiana department of Wildlife and fisheries headquarters. A pistol match and a golf tournament are held to provide network and team-building. Statistics of the lwff enforcement division are shared. Various awards are given to show appreciation and provide encouragement, including the "agent of the year" awards.
Children's t-shirt program: Wildlife Agents handed out approximately 3,000 free t-shirts to children wearing life jackets that were encountered during random boat safety inspections on the water. The t-shirts are inscribed with the slogan "i got caught wearing my life jacket." The goals of the program include encouraging parents and children to practice safe boating habits and to showcase the Agents' duties in a positive manner to the public. Contributions to charitable organizations: charitable contributions were given to ten charitable organizations. The most significant benefactor of the contributions was the tiffany thomas memorial foundation to whom 7,000 was donated. Retirement gifts: due to the members' employer being unable to provide such a token, watches are given to members who retire upon reaching years of service or age of retirement with the Louisiana department of Wildlife and fisheries enforcement division. Jim matkin scholarship award: annual scholarships are awarded to children of members in good standing upon completing high school and showing proof of enrollment in college, junior college, or trade school. Applicants must complete the lwaa jim matkin scholarship award form. First prize is 1,500 and second prize is 1,000. The winners are chosen by vote of the board based on the award forms submitted. All applicants not chosen for the first and second prizes are awarded a lesser monetary award in the form of a one-time grant. In addition to the winners, ten 500 scholarships were awarded. Funeral benefits: flower arrangements may be sent to funerals of members' family. Support of the law enforcement torch run: financial and public awareness support is provided to the special olympics of Louisiana law enforcement torch run by providing supplies and paying registration fees for Louisiana Wildlife Agents Association members to participate in the run. The torch run is the largest fundraising event and the most highly successful public awareness campaign of the special olympics. Other non-profit organizations organize hunting trips for wounded u.s. military veterans, and the Louisiana Wildlife Agents Association helps to defray the participants' cost of such trips by providing hunting licenses, drinks, and other supplies. Retirement parties: due to the members' employer being unable to provide such events, up to 300 per party is provided for a celebration to show appreciation to members who retire from the Louisiana department of Wildlife and fisheries enforcement division.