Program areas at Luther Manor / United Lutheran Program for the Aging Inc
Luther Manor health care center provides skilled nursing care and services for frail elderly. Within the health care center is a dedicated rehabilitation center. the health care center also has a contract with a hospital system to assist in transitioning difficult to place patients to their most ideal care setting. This Program, our alternative transitional care Program, fills a dire service gap in the public healthcare & support system and enables the hospital system to provide care to those with the greatest need. the facility is licensed for participation in both medicare and medicaid.
the courtyards at Luther Manor provides supportive (assisted) living services for frail elderly who reside in Luther Manor's licensed "community based residential facility (cbrf)". the courtyards Program also includes "special care" services for persons with alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. the courtyards is medicaid-certified, accepting medicaid-waiver Program funding.
the Luther Manor terrace provides engaging and supportive independent living housing and services for older adults. Apartment residents often choose the lmt in order to become part of a life plan community setting. the lmt services and amenities include life enrichment opportunities, transportation services, dining Program, spiritual wellness, fitness, health, entertainment and cultural programs. the lmt also provides personal care services to residents through the supportive living "residential care apartment complex" rcac Program, which helps residents maintain independent living.
Luther Manor hospice provides patients and their loved ones the opportunity to make decisions about end-of-life care, while being supported by a dedicated, compassionate staff of physicians, nurses, chaplains, social workers, and counselors. Hospice is not a place, nor is it a resignation of hope. It is not intented to hasten or postpone death, but to encourage quality in life,preserve difnity in dying and offer support in grief.
Luther Manor at river oaks is a 16-unit assisted living center located in mequon, wi. River oaks offers supportive, assisted living and 24-hour care services in a warm, homelike setting. Unique to river oaks is the ability to form relationships with staff which isn't always possible in a larger setting.
the gardens at Luther Manor provides supportive (assisted) living services for frail elderly who reside in Luther Manor's licensed "community based residental facility (cbrf)". the gardens Program consists of special programs and approaches designed to meet unique neeeds, and strive to enhance the quality of life, for those with various forms of dementia. the Program aims to maximize the resident's independence thoughout each state of their condition. the gardens is medicaid-certified, accepting medicaid-waiver Program funding.