Program areas at Lvdi International Incorporated
VIETNAM: College-educated volunteers ( > 50 since inception) received training needed to conduct conservation education lessons in rural but highly biodiverse areas in central Vietnam. Volunteers create primary and secondary school curricula, as well as supporting educational materials such as teacher's guides and biologically-correct storybooks that highlight regional endangered species. Over 5,000 primary schoolchildren have benefited from these free lessons and materials. Additionally, volunteers conduct social and wildlife research studies to determine knowledge, attitude, and awareness of rural residents toward native threatened species and critical habitat.
NEPAL: In collaboration with our local partner, Green Guard-Nepal, students from middle schools are involved in conservation education activities including the research, development, design, and production of the Green Guard, an environmental magazine written by students for students. Over 50,000 students have participated in the program. College volunteers (> 100 since inception) design social and biological surveys needed to conduct the scientifically based gap analysis necessary to design effective education and awareness campaigns targeted at saving threatened wildlife and critical habitats.
KENYA: Through our partner, Nyashep Education Trust in Nairobi, Kenya, tuition support is provided to exceptional high school and college students from underprivileged backgrounds.
OTHER: Support of mature projects in Madagascar (including an $1800 grant), China, and the United States (including a $500 grant) that are designed to deliver effective conservation education programs, scientific research and community development in rural areas with high biodiversity.