Program areas at Lycoming College
Lycoming College is a four-year liberal arts based, co-educational, independent College whose primary function is the presentation of formal instruction. The College has a regular faculty, a regularly scheduled curriculum (consisting of fall, spring, may and summer term), and a regularly enrolled student body in attendance at its campus located in williamsport, Pennsylvania. The College's areas of concentration include bachelor of arts degrees in 32 major fields and bachelor of science degrees in 5 major fields. Program services of the College include the cost of instruction, academic support, student services, institutional support, and scholarships. Continued on schedule othe cost of instruction includes expenses contributing directly to the presentation of formal instruction for the 37 aforementioned majors.academic support is all expenses related to those areas of the College such as the College library, computer center, academic resource center, the institution for management studies, and center for academic experiences. Student services are all of the expenses specifically related to providing "our customer", the student, with a complete College experience. Such areas would include the registrar, community services, health services, recreation center, athletics, counseling services, admissions, financial aid, religious activities, office of student programs, and the dean of students. Institutional support includes all expenses of maintaining the campus facilities and providing for its employees, such as buildings and grounds, security, office of the president, business office, human resources, mail services, College relations, etc.student financial aid from internal sources represented approximately 78% of gross tuition and fee revenue. In addition to sources of internal and external financial aid, and the Lycoming grant program (need-based), Lycoming College offers numerous scholarships to academically talented students. Most academic scholarships are automatically renewed in their original amount for the following year provided the student maintains satisfactory academic progress as defined in the College catalog. Enrollment for the 2022-2023 academic year was approximately 1,059 full-time equivalents.