Program areas at MARC
Marc, Inc. Provides support to more than 375 adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities in dane county, Wisconsin, and sauk county. These services are provided through seven separate and distinct program locations: Madison east, Madison west, Madison south, stoughton, mt. Horeb, and kalahari resort (renewed in 2022), and uw hospitals (project search), as well as 901 post road. Programs at these locations may include supported employment, day services, and pre-vocational/production services. The primary source of revenue for the Marc programs is the state of Wisconsin family care program. Due to the covid economic environment, staffing continues to be a significant problem at all locations. Program participants are slowly returning. Day service programs provide meaningful activities for adults with disabilities through personal care, socialization, arts, and crafts, and when the environment allows, community outreach. Supported employment programs seek to integrate the adults into their communities through active job development and participation. Marc also supports self-employment business development and project search participants learn specific jobs with an eye towards permanent employment at Area hospitals. Marc continues to support full integration into the community of all individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities through daily activities in all Marc programs.marc works with the Wisconsin department of vocational Rehabilitation to assist both recent high school graduates and adults in learning and developing job skills that will provide a foundation for consistent employment and integration in their community. This involves development of a plan, job coaching, mentoring/evaluating, and regular follow-ups. These services are provided throughout dane county, as well part of sauk county. The project search program, which develops jobs in Madison hospitals and at the kalahari, are a significant part of this program. This program was impacted by the protocols required in managing the covid pandemic, as well as staffing shortages. Staffing issues continue to be a problem, but the ability to support those in need is improving. As with all Marc programs, Marc seeks to support full integration into the community for all the individuals participating in dvr programs throughout dane county and parts of sauk county. Marc, Inc. also provides support to program participants and local businesses by providing assembly production services, as well as maintenance services to various businesses throughout dane county. Such services are either provided at Marc locations or are onsite at a variety of local businesses. The services are provided under close supervision of the Marc, Inc. staff at the Marc internal locations, as well as at business locations. Evaluations are made on a regular basis of the individuals' ability to perform the light assembly tasks effectively and safely. As individuals enhance their skills, independence in activities is encouraged. Many of the participants are paid through the Marc payroll and Marc is then reimbursed by the businesses involved. The production revenue programs are supported by local businesses and regional businesses who may or may not have national markets. These services are available throughout the dane county Area by two of six Marc programs.