Program areas at Justdane
Provide case management services to formerly incarcerated include employment, housing, treatment, support, and transportation.
Just bakery-provides an educational and vocational training program that works with individuals who are experiencing significantbarriers to employments (homelessness, criminal conviction history, lack of education, and/or a lack of work history or skills) and who have an interest in baking or culinary arts as a career pathway.
Peer support initiative provides a solution that helps formerly incarcerated individuals finds success in life while making our community safer for all.
Offers education, vocational, and employment support and case management services, as well as linkage and referral to other community based programs.provides case management and supportive services for individuals involved in the criminal justice system who have been identified by the police department as being responsible for repeated violent offenses in our community. Also, provides a community response component as a partner to the madison police department's focused deterrence program to reduce violence in focusing on the individuals rather than a neighborhood, the focused deterrence model can build trust between community and the police, thereby more successfully engaging community members and leaders as part of the solution as they participate as members of the cav group. Also, to provide one to one community-based mentoring to children of incarcerated parents. The program utilizes screened and trained adult volunteers as mentors.