Program areas at Madison County Smart Start
QUALITY CHILD CARE (Formerly CHILD CARE RESOURCE AND REFERRAL) - Promoted continuous quality improvement of child care centers and homes. Technical assistance was provided to 13 providers at 7 centers. Early education trainings were conducted with 40 child care providers at 11 centers. Provided one-time non-cash grants to 7 centers after conducting quality enhancement assessments. Participated in 3 community outreach events for families.
SUPPORTING FAMILY CHOICES: KITH AND KIN CARE - Conducted group early childhood and parent support activities. 56 children participated in play and learn groups. Provided guidance and materials to 62 child caregivers (parents/guardians) to use for in-home education.
PROGRAM COORDINATION - Provided progam planning, technical support and service monitoring for all activities and projects.
SMART REWARDS - Provided stipends to 4 employees of 4 child care facilities that are pursuing continuing education. Provided professional development counseling to 36 child care providers from 9 child care centers.
LITERACY, RAISING A READER - Promoted improved literacy development through book sharing between caregivers and young children; Loans book bags containing high quality developmentally appropriate children's books to 76 children at 5 child care centers; Conducted parent workshops to train in book sharing strategies.
DOLLY PARTON'S IMAGINATION LIBRARY - Provided a free book each month to children ages birth to five living in Madison County.
LENDING LIBRARY - MCPCF offers kits of early learning materials to parents and caregivers of children ages 0-5 to use in their homes. MCPCF also provided early childhood curriculum kits to 7 child care centers with 19 staff members to use with their weekly lesson planning.
TRANSITION TO KINDERGARTEN - Supports the transitional needs of children, families and teachers as 4- and 5-year-olds prepare to enter kindergarten. During the year, 17 child care providers and 7 Madison County Schools K-12 representatives attended kindergarten readiness trainings and collaboration meetings.