Program areas at Madison Education Foundation
Elementary schools - sponsored programs and events to enhance steam curriculum, promote reading and literature, math and fitness for grades k to 6 - such as author visits,book tastings, reading programs, reflex math subscriptions & yoga instructional programs. Tools were also provided to enhance learning such as promethean boards and document cameras, steam production studio, multicultural books, sel tools, library books and hands on learning stations.
High school - funded faculty and staff programs related to schools basic curriculum, the arts, sciences and technology. Donations includes: vibraphones and distortion goggles. Programs include field trips to Washington dc to explore the us holocaust memorial museum, and field trip to a romeo and juliet play. Also sponsored students in broadcast journalism and yearbook classes to attend the columbia scholastic press association fall conference.
Junior school - funded a program to promote reading, math, culture and the sciences such as - a program that allows students to get personalized ela related skills practice aligned with their own individual reading level and writing stations, astronomy domes for an interactive experience for the 6th & 7th graders to learn aobut the universe, subscriptions to quizizz for math, met museum of art, italian cooking and hispanic flamenco ballet field trips for arts enrichment. The organization also subsidized for the creatioin & beautification of a usable outdoor classroom space maintained by the students.
District wide school grant - books for english language learners to write, edit, draft and publish bilingual books.