Program areas at Mahaska Chamber and Development Group
Organized many events, such as eggs & issues, art on the square, christmas in july, sweet corn/serenade, lighted christmas parade, fireworks, friday after five, awards celebration, etc. Expanded tourism efforts with county- wide visitors' guide and distribution of 5,000 copies. Utilized state grant to assist with purchase of rack cards/hodlers to promote tourism as well. These events benefited approximately 22,000 people with over 2,000 community service hours.
Worked on community betterment including litter removal, flower planting maintenance, set up of the unique "painting with lights" holiday decorations, and the high school scholarship program. Hundreds of volunteer hours were utilized. Additionally, grants were written and received for cities within the county to be used for the beautification in those communities in addition to oskaloosa proper.
Expanded county-wide economic Development efforts. These efforts included preparation of an industrial Development site, senior housing feasibility study, and transload facility planning and Development study. These projects continue through partnerships with the city of oskaloosa and Mahaska county. The projects will benefit 22,000 people within mahasha county. Additionally, the Chamber promoted new business and existing buinsess by providing startup information, grant writing, design assistance, and fund finding sessions. The historic restoration of downtown buildings was also promoted using continuing grants. Hundreds of volunteer hours were utilized in these efforts.