Program areas at Maine Coalition To End Domestic Violence
Program 1 - state Domestic Violence Coalition program we entered into a contract with the Maine department of health and human services To act as the lead agency for the distribution and administration of federal pass-through funds and state of Maine general funds dedicated To Domestic Violence victim services. Through this contract and our federal state Domestic Violence formula grants, we provided comprehensive training and technical assistance To member Domestic Violence resource centers on a multitude of social, legal and economic issues that affect victims of Domestic Violence, dating Violence, stalking and human trafficking. We coordinated public awareness activities and public policy advocacy. We partnered with government agencies, private and non-profit organizations and other stakeholders To effectively coordinate and improve the safety-net of services available To victims and their children. Subgrantees To this contract consisted of the eight (8) Domestic Violence resource centers in Maine. Through this contract, these subgrantees provided direct services To victims of Domestic Violence, dating Violence, stalking and human trafficking and advocacy/support services To others affected by Domestic abuse. Services include operating a 24 hour/day, 7 day/week Domestic abuse helpline, emergency shelter, individual advocacy, support groups, court advocacy, school-based education, coordinated community response initiatives and transitional housing services.
Program 3 - justice for families program through an office on Violence against women "justice for families program," we provided training and technical assistance To subrecipient grant partner as they established a supervised visitation program in androscoggin county, Maine. Additionally, we provided statewide training To Maine's judicial personnel and other key stakeholders who work with families in the court system on the battered women's justice project's safer model.
Program 2 - Domestic Violence - child protective services program through an office on Violence against women "rural sexual assault, Domestic Violence, dating Violence and stalking assistance program" grant and funding from the Maine department of health and human services, we supported specially trained Domestic Violence - child protective services (dv-cps) advocates placed in rural child protective services (cps) district offices. These advocates 1) consulted with cps caseworkers on dv-related cases; 2) consulted with dv advocates on cps assessment and case management process; and 3) provided safety planning and support services for adult victims of dv involved in cps cases. We also offered training opportunities for cps caseworkers and dv advocates. We partnered with Domestic Violence resource centers and the Maine office of child and family services To promote systems change within the cps and dv victim services systems.
Program 4 - rapid rehousing program through the u.s. housing and urban development Domestic Violence bonus funding we provide 100% subsidized rental housing for 1 year To survivors. This program has broadened To provide housing navigation, standard assistance navigation, supportive services, and funding for staff at 5 of our Domestic Violence resource centers To administer this program and a housing coordinator specialist at mcedv.