Program areas at Maine Conservation Alliance
Maine's Environmental Priorities Coalition: MCA is the coordinating organization for the 34-member Environmental Priorities Coalition that works to advance commonsense state solutions that protect Maine's natural legacy, the health of our families, and our climate future. In 2023, MCA continued to serve as the environmental community's hub for shared strategy, communications, education, and organizing. We worked with our EPC partners to develop the annual common environmental agenda and educate the public and lawmakers on the policies needed to build a clean energy future, equitably tackle climate change, protect public health, and conserve our air, land, water and wildlife for future generations. Education, Advocacy, and Outreach: MCA works to increase the number of Maine people who are advancing conservation and acting on climate in their communities, growing as leaders, and engaging in the civic process. In 2023, MCA continued to prioritize education, collaboration, and advocacy, with an intentional focus on applying a racial equity lens to advance bold and ambitious climate action, a fair clean energy transition, an accessible democracy, and the protection of our natural resources.Civic Engagement: It is our belief that the more Maine people get involved in the decisions affecting their communities, the better the future will be for everyone. Increasing the number of Mainers who are civically engaged is at the core of our strategy to promote a strong and healthy environment and democracy. In 2023, we conducted public education around the implementation of common-sense voter reforms, helping to safeguard our democratic ideals. Collaboration: The majority of our programming is designed to create a stronger and more unified movement for climate action, conservation, and a healthy democracy in Maine. The relationships that have been built and nurtured through our collaborative work have resulted in more information sharing, new partnerships, added trust, and a sense of camaraderie among diverse organizations. MCA has an organizational commitment in making this important work happen and involving our partners in meaningful ways.