Program areas at Mainspring Portland
Emergency Food - Mainspring facilitated the distribution of food, clothing, and personal care items, along with emergency mobile services to home-bound individuals and individuals with barriers that prevent them from accesssing our services on site. During the year ended September 30, 2023, Mainspring provided over 26,000 pounds of food. The organization promotes the healthy food initiative and receives fresh seasonal produce in partnership with the City of Portland Produce for the Poeple Community Gardens.
Information and Referral - Mainspring facilitates contact with other area agencies who can provide resources beyond the services provided by Mainspring.
Emergency Clothing and Household - Mainspring Portland facilitated the distribution of clothing and personal care items, along with emergency mobile services to home-bound individuals and individuals with barriers that prevent them from accesssing our services on site. During the year ended September 30, 2023, Mainspring Portland provided over 46,000 pounds of clothing and over 17,000 pounds of personal care items to children, families, and seniors in need.Additionally, the organization distributed a fare relief program that provides Tri-Met Public Transit passes and tickets to individuals that rely on this to access their jobs, medical appointments, and the local food pantry. Toiletries including toothpaste, dental floss, and toothbrushes are provided to promote oral and dental health and reduce the impact of dental caries in historically underserved communities. Toilet paper, soap, and other hygiene products are distributed to assist unemployed parents and individuals.