Program areas at Making the Right Connections
During the mtrc summer program of 2023, in-kind contribution included $85,042 in youth services (volunteering), $30,000 for use of school campuses for the program at their school sites, $25,000 for breakfast/lunch meals & food services and $650 for student liability insurance. In addition, the executive director of mtrc spent about 1/3 of his time (1/3 of salary = $7,573) preparing and running the summer program.
All of the 527 children (grades k-8) enrolled in the mtrc summer program of 2023 participated in weekly field trips (4/5 field trips per school site). Making the Right Connections, Inc. (or mtrc, Inc) directly paid $26,738 to the pacer enterprises, Inc. Bus company for the rental of the required number of busses.
During the summer of 2023, 527 children participated in our 4/5 week (monday-friday) educational enrichment/gang prevention program located at 3 school sites: east la (our lady of lourdes), northeast la (st. bernard school)and south la (st. vincent school). Children participated in lessons related to strengthening their family, church, school and community relationships. $97,482 was distributed to the above 3 schools to assist them in paying for coordinator/teacher stipends, curriculum materials for teachers, activity materials for students, guest speaker fees, field trip entrance fees, snacks and lunches for students, other program materials and supplies, etc.