Program areas at Manna Ministries
Youth Summer Program an enrichment program during the summer school break for children and youth ages 5-18 for eight weeks during the months of June and July. Our program is age and grade appropriate that provides a fun-filled, exciting, and interesting summer. It offers a change of pace with structured activities of substance that let boys and girls discover the special excitement of summer fun. Our program also provides an environment that stimulate curiosity, a questioning attitude and an eagerness for learning to disadvantaged African-Americans in the very low to low and moderate-income level living in the Inner-City West Macon-Bibb, Georgia area known as the Bartlett Crossing and Cherokee Heights neighborhoods. We do serve others out of target area as space and funds allow us to do. Summer Tutorials two sessions per week (Mathematics Grades K-6, Algebra Grades 7-9, Language Arts Grades 2-11, Standardized Testing Prep all Grads, SAT prep Grades 9-11, Communication Skills Grades K-12 this includes: resume, job and college application completions for Grades 7-12, and Spanish As A Second Langue Grades K-12, daily Writing Grades K-11, Reading K-12; Recreational Activities (movies, arts & crafts weekly, weekly trips to the library to participate in library facilitated activities for grades K-4 and for research and book check out for grades 5-12, swimming two times per week Field Trips (Museum of Aviation (Robins AFB GA), Museum of Arts & Sciences (Macon GA, Olympia Family Skating Center NTER (Macon GA), Trolley Tour of the cities of Macon-Bibb and Savanna GA; Wild Adventures Amusement Park Valdosta GA, Coke Factory Atlanta GA; Fine Arts Drama participants are provided the opportunity to act in a small stage production/talent show, and Music youth are introduced to the different types of music, instruments, and learning to read music, and individual and group performance; Life learning Skills, Financial Literacy Grades K-11, Study Skills K-4 and Study Skills and College Planning Grades 7-12, Resume Grades 7-12, Conflict Resolution ages 5-18, Adult supervision 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Community Service (Grades 4-11), Shopping trip to a mall for ages 12-18, Grades 5-12 prepare menus for the upcoming after school program Nutrition & Fitness lunch is prepared on site Monday[Thursday, lunch is in a cafeteria, restaurant or picnic area on Friday, and snacks are served daily, daily outside activities on playground, Community Service Grades 7-11 is a youth lead group activity that is active until November to carry out the Thanksgiving Community Project, Work Opportunity 2 youth are proved opportunity to assist in program for 12 hours per week for monetary incentives, 3 youth are provided opportunity to assist in the program at least 8 hours per week as volunteers, Recognition and Awards: All participants are given school supplies for the upcoming year students receive supplies based on the school where the student will attend the supply list is taken from each student school website, certificates of recognition for accomplishments in t camp. Family activity is held at the end of the session. (No session held this session because we did not raised enough funds to complete maintenance/repair of the facility and replace equipment.
Community Development Program: Manna Community Technology Center is a project designed to close the digital divide experienced by African Americans living in Macon-Bibb GA. The center targets its activities in the Bartlett Crossing/Cherokee Heights neighborhoods in the west Macon-Bibb GA area. Training programs are available for children, adults, and senior citizens throughout the year, Manna Community Day a community pride event held annually on the fourth Saturday in September. This event is family friendly and is held for the entire community. The event offers free medical screenings, fun food, fun rides, and entertainment, all available at no cost to participants; Community Empowerment Forum is held twice a year to inform community residents, business leaders, government officials and interested persons about the status of projects in the community, and to receive input and feedback from all concerned stakeholders; Manna Community Clean Up Day is held twice a year to clean up the community streets, residents clean their yards to make the neighborhood a safe and environmentally friendly place for the residents. The City of Macon-Bibb Government assists by providing dumpsters for placing unwanted items and debris, trash bags, picker up utensils, street cleaners, removal of debris left on the street curbs by all residents and other volunteers, Other opportunities: Neighborhood Job Fairs (2) per year, community gradient, Financial training, and other subjects of interests to the community improving the quality of life.
Manna Tutorial Program: This program is in operation during the regular public school system school year for students attending school in grades K-12 to provide academic assistance, and attention for maintaining good grades in their schoolwork, less oppo9rtunties for participating in risky behavior, participating in criminal activities, or becoming a victim of crime during the critical hours of 2:30 to 8 p.m. Monday - Friday; Homework assistance Monday - Thursday Homework period is designed to motivate students to independently completed their homework, thereby developing the necessary habit including completing special project assignments. Help and supervision is available from program staff. Students who are unable to complete homework in this period at the discretion of the program coordinator are allowed to finish while others are involved in enrichment activities. The students have access to the computer lab for completing homework that requires computer and Internet. Tutoring: Group and individual tutoring is available. Tutoring is provided in Language Arts, reading, mathematics, spelling, phonics, science, geography, social studies and other subjects as request by students, teachers, and parent or by grades students receive. Reading: Students receive assistance to enable them to read at their appropriate or above grade level by providing time after homework to read from a rich range of interesting books and other material. The literacy enrichment activity teaches reading, writing and mathematics through games and other exciting activities. The tutors and teachers assist students. Topics change weekly and are chosen by the project director to address students' problem areas and to reinforce concepts concurrently being trough in the regular classroom. Hands-on manipulative and one-on-one tutoring is used to reinforce techniques in punctuation, syllabication and synonyms and homonyms. Expanded academic enrichment opportunities are offered using teaching equipment and supplies, i.e., Leapfrog, and other learning games. These tools provide means of working with mathematics, science and geography. Students lean to master principals for testing in different academic topics in order to pass standardized or other tests they are required to take. Activities are age and grade appropriate. Most material comes from EdHelper, Teachers Created Resources and other educational resources organizations that we have a subscription with permission to print needed material. To advance higher order thinking skills, group problem-solving skills, communications skills and self-confidence, a fun and dynamic setting is used that result in amazing self-discoveries. Students learn team-building skills such as trust, cooperation, and support. The project director leads these activities. Mathematics Café each Friday students receive tutoring and mathematics skill building. This activity is designed to increase mathematic abilities and improve degrades. Technology Center: Students have access to technology center for research and preparing class assignment. Transportation is provided from school to MTP site, and to home from MTP site as needed by participants. Physical Activities: recreational activities or activities that can be accomplished on a playground, such as jump rope, kickball, etc. skating and bowling are physical activities that students participate in away from the site. Field trips take place on days school is not in session. Students participate in the Cherry Blossom activity in the park, Georgia State Fair; attend local movies, and other activities in the city. Only students with good attendance participates in daily activities, receive good grades, and have no behavior problems at the program or at school are rewarded participation in these activities. This motivate parents and students to attend MTP, complete their assignments, and have good behavior. Nutrition: daily supper is prepared on site as a sit down family style meal. Students are provided school supplies as needed. 100% of students participating the project are very low and low to moderate income African-American students living is a disadvantaged inner City neighborhood. (Project not conducted this session because we did not obtain funds to repair and replace equipment or do maintenance on building for safe use)
MANNA Community Housing Development Project (CHDO) Manna Community Housing Development serves as a CHDO for The City of Macon-Bibb GA under the jurisdiction of the City of Macon-Bibb Economic and Community Development Department to provide affordable sanitized housing for ownership to very low to low and moderate low income families in the Bartlett Crossing /Cherokee Heights neighborhood and the City of Macon-Bibb GA. Three single family houses were completed that was approved for a project that was approved for FY2008 do to funding availability amended for FY2010 for completion 2012 extended to 2014. Home buying training is offered to persons seeking to purchase a home through the City of Macon-Bibb Home First organization.