Program areas at Manufacturing Works
The workforce program provides targeted employee recruitment, screening, placement, and retention services for Manufacturing companies throughout northeast ohio.manufacturing Works also engages its members in peer-to-peer learning, such as Manufacturing Works' hr roundtable and supervisory training, to assist company leaders in developing and implementing effective hr management programs.the apprenticeship consortium supports consortium members in developing 21st century apprenticeship programs within their companies, using competency-based models.the youth team provides services to youth in junior high through high school. The program is based at cleveland's max s. hayes vocational high school, a part of the cleveland metropolitan school district, and Works with the school's staff to provide students employability, life skills and work-based learning which lead to careers in Manufacturing, building and construction, transportation, and information technology. Manufacturing Works also provides high school pre-apprenticeship programs at max hayes and with other career-tech high schools that can serve as a feeder into adult apprenticeship part of the encore cleveland initiative, a signature program of the cleveland foundation, the technical corps program (tcp) identifies experienced industry technicians to share their skills and knowledge with max hayes career & technical education teachers as adjunct faculty, teacher assistants, and Manufacturing career champions. With the support of the technical corps program, students are better prepared for skills certifications, college, and careers. The collaboration between Manufacturing Works' tcp and max hayes is designed to develop and secure a continuous group of qualified technicians in a variety of skills including computer aided drafting and design (cadd), computer numerical controlled (cnc) machining, precision machining technology, and welding and cutting.manufacturing Works' youth programs also develop partnerships between community and business leaders and cleveland metropolitan school district administrators and teachers. These partnerships create out-of-school learning environments which mirror industry standards and expectations. Manufacturing Works organizes businesses into technical advisory committees; conducts career exploration presentations at elementary schools and community events; supports work-based professional development (externships) for faculty; and recruits students and staff to the school.
The growth and transition program is an impartial and independent program designed to prepare, inform, and guide business owners on a transition out of their business in a way that helps fulfill their personal and financial goals. The program uses the scalability and efficiency of owner group meetings, combined with local professional subject matter experts who are supporting members of the organization. These subject matter experts provide knowledge and insights related to both preparing for a transaction and value enhancing operating strategies. The program was designed to meet the needs and requirements of middle market and small manufacturers by providing a safe and affordable roadmap to transition from one owner to the next. The program seeks to find buyers from within the community, in order to maintain the employment levels and growth potential of these local enterprises.
The Manufacturing technology and services programs are designed to work directly with Manufacturing and manufacturing-related businesses to help them increase employment, automate, innovate, reduce costs, increase their effectiveness, and grow their business.included in these programs and services are programs related to industry 4.0, digital transformation and advancing technology initiatives of manufacturers. We engage participants through a variety of methods including webinars, user groups, a digital communications community forum, committees and other peer group learning events which allow subject matter experts and manufacturers to share ideas and insights with each other. Manufacturing Works manages the cleveland industrial retention initiative in coordination with the city of cleveland's department of economic development. The program provides outreach to raise industry awareness of available resources to stimulate business and investment which fosters job creation in neighborhoods throughout the city. The program provides services that help manufacturers remain and grow within the city of cleveland and provide employment opportunities for the residents of the city of cleveland.
The leadership institute program was initiated to prepare prospective buyers for ownership or educate senior managers to think and act like owners. Like the growth and transition program, the leadership institute involves small groups for cohort support and education, as well as subject matter experts from our supporting members to provide guidance. In addition, we reach out to the community to locate and engage female and minority professionals who desire ownership or leadership in Manufacturing businesses to create a diverse pool of qualified buyers for the transitioning owners to consider. The program includes extensive financial coaching for minority participants provided by the professionals at the mezzanine fund.
Manufacturing Works is a membership organization devoted to theadvancement of Manufacturing. Through its membership program, Manufacturing Works provides its more than 300 members with networking, business education, professional development, cost reduction services, sourcing assistance, and opportunities to volunteer with and support the community. For 30 years Manufacturing Works has been a collective voice for the Manufacturing community in the areas of policy, research and education. Manufacturing Works programs encourage investment and job creation in greater cleveland.