Program areas at Manzanita Services
Therapeutic services - Manzanita Services provides care management, rehabilitation and therapeutic services to adults 18 years and older that qualify for specialty mental health services, severe and persistent mental illness. Services are provided with a trauma informed, strength bases focus in order to increase our client's ability to be successful in the community and to reduce impairments related to their mental health challenges. services are provided that are supportive of each person's recovery and that foster hope and self determination.
In collaboration with Wellness Center services Manzanita Services offers housing services meant to rehouse the chronically homeless, stabilize housing for those at risk of losing it and assist with the housing application and location process. These efforts are most often coordinated with other services to better serve the overall needs, mental health and wellness of the vulnerable population we serve. We work directly with the County Coordinated Entry System and peer agencies to ensure complete, unduplicated services/
Manzanita Services run two "open door" Wellness Centers, one in Ukiah and one in Willits providing strength-based, wellness and recovery focused on Outreach and Engagement programs that provide linkage to other support services, classes and groups to support life skills training, health and housing navigation, dual diagnosis support, vocation and education support, self esteem building and developing health social relationships. Center are a safe environment that encourages peer support, art and meaningful activities, self-advocacy and personalized recover.