Program areas at Maps Community Foundation
The Maps Community Foundation provided $92,000 in grants to 41 local non-profit organizations in marion and polk counties to assist in supplementing revenue lost as a result of the global pandemic.
The Foundation sponsored local events organized by 20 non-profit organizations in marion and polk counties.
Over 700 donations were received from members of Maps credit union for the wildfire relief fund. Of the donations received, $68,750 in direct financial assistance was given to 128 members of Maps credit union who were impacted by the wildfires. Additionally, the Foundation gave $2,500 in food and gas cards to impacted members and $15,000 in grants to nonprofit organizations. The remaining funds will continue to be distributed in 2021 to those impacted.
The Foundation distributed $34,600 to 33 school districts and 119 local k-12 schools.
The Maps Community Foundation has donated to the gilbert house children's museum in salem for their new bubble exhibit and accessible outdoor play area. The gift illustrates how the Foundation is increasing its impact by creating impact partnerships investments in lasting projects such as nonprofit capital campaigns and initiatives.
Scholarships aggregating $18,250 were given to 18 students during the year. Scholarships awarded ranged from $500 - $2,000.
The Foundation awarded 10 teachers in polk and marion $1,000 each to assist them with the costs of their in-classroom projects. Nine schools and 3,863 students benefited from the initiative.
During the ealry part of 2020, the Foundation held 15 financial education workshops for approximately 170 participants.
Impact partnership grants - total of $175,000 distributed via 6 grants; grants are $25,000-$50,000 and given to nonprofit organizations or schools in marion and polk counties. Can only be for capital projects. Full guidelines and loi on Maps website.
Community sponsorships (nonprofit events and programs) - total of $78,906 distributed to 66 nonprofit organizations and /or schools.
Scholarship program - total of $55,925 distributed to 24 scholarship recipients (all graduating high school seniors from marion and/or polk county), with funds sent directly to educational institutions, plus additional scholarship contributions to chemeketa Community college Foundation and western Oregon university Foundation for named scholarships that they manage. Provided $50 target gift card to each Maps scholarship recipient which was mailed with their award letter for dorm and/or school supplies, totaling $1,200.
Interest on credit union deposit