Program areas at Marian Charities
Provided 86,000 to the association for persons with intellectual disabilities - serving 650 mentally retarded citizens and families of cape girardeau county ; provided 15,000 to notre dame high school as scholarships to help students pay for tuition ; provided 6,300 to st mary's grade school for necessities for 300 students ; provided 3,600 to st mary's church for general repairs ; provided 6,000 to the cape girardeau county senior citizens center for food assistance; 3,200 to the Missouri association for persons with intellectual disabilities ; 457 to the southeast Missouri food bank for food services ; and 80,000 to the catholic campus ministries at the semo newman center to support their building operations.
The organization is organized to provide and assist in providing to the poor, the underprivlidged, elderly and any other in need. The organization provides basic human needs: including food, shelter, clothing and health services; solicities, accepts, invests, manages and distributes monies received from contributions, grants, gifts, bequests or any other source, in any manner as necessary or helpful to provide such needs; provides financial aid, assistance or any other resources to such charitable, religious, educational, cultural, social welfare, health, cemetary, civic, historic, associations, etc. Which carry on such purposes as are permitted.