Program areas at Marine Corps Association Foundation
Commanders' forums: the Foundation provides funding to assist commanders in developing and providing forum opportunities specifically tailored to enhance their marines and sailors' knowledge of the military historical and operational lessons and how those can be applied to current challenges. The forums can range from presentations and discussions with noted authors and scholars to a classical battle study. Participation in the battle studies will help prepare a unit for current operations through the study of military history. Participants in battle studies may walk the ground with experts in order to better understand the history and lessons learned from these famous battles and campaigns. In addition, mcaf actively seeks to provide relevant, professional military education for active-duty marines and opportunities to stay abreast of current issues. These forums feature prominent speakers, key decision makers and subject matter experts and offer key insights and unique perspectives on current military topics. Events are held at different locations, allowing active-duty marines and our members nationwide the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of military art and science, and gain an appreciation of current issues. In 2023, nearly 6,500 Marine leaders (noncommissioned officers, staff noncommissioned officers, and commissioned officers at multiple grades) participated in these commanders' forums events. The funds pay for speaking fees, honorariums, battlefield tour guides and other costs that Marine units can typically pay for from their operations and maintenance funding.
The commanders' unit library program provides commanders with funds to establish and sustain their unit professional library when the utilization of appropriated funds is not practicable. The program allows commanders to select books from the Marine Corps commandant's professional reading list, which all marines are required to read during their service in the Corps. The book list contains timeless military classics as well as recent books on emerging areas of interest in current military operations and cultural understanding. Some units with unique and emerging capabilities (e.g. Unmanned vehicles/drones, cyberspace operations) can receive books specific to their mission. In 2023, 84 Marine Corps units (battalions, squadrons, regiments, groups, etc) received books to enhance their unit libraries, making professional reading available to over 34,000 marines. In total in 2023, the Marine Corps Association Foundation spent over $1,300,000 in support of approximately 47,000 marines.
The Marine excellence awards program was established to recognize the professional achievements of marines and sailors (serving in Marine Corps units) and to recognize superior performance in Marine Corps officer and enlisted formal schools. These awards are also given for exceptional written work. Awards are a valuable incentive and an appropriate means of recognizing marines and sailors who excel in their commands, formal schools, and leadership courses. Mcaf is the largest contributor of awards given to the u.s. Marine Corps. Each year mcaf gives awards to approximately 4,200 deserving marines and sailors, 94 percent of which go to enlisted men and women. These are just a few of the awards given to outstanding marines: the honor graduate from drill instructor school, recruit training awards (honor graduate recruit, high shooter and high physical fitness test), the basic officer training course honor graduate, officer candidates school honor graduate, and staff noncommissioned officer academy honor graduate). In 2023, over 4,200 marines received awards recognizing their excellent performance and their creative and persuasive written work.