EIN 56-1913394

Martin / Pitt Partnership for Children

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
Incredible brain development occurs during the first five years of life and early childhood experiences literally build the foundation for future learning. Martin/Pitt Partnership for Children brings together all the people involved in a young child’s early years—families, teachers, doctors, childcare professionals, caregivers, social workers, and many others—to ensure every child has all they need for healthy growth and development. Their mission is to make meaningful and measurable investments in the quality of life for young children and families in education, health and support services.
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Martin / Pitt Partnership for Children

ChildLinks (Child Care Resource & Referral) (3104): Martin-Pitt Partnership for Children Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) activity aligned with the North Carolina CCR&R System to provide CCR&R services that meet NC CCR&R Council specific outputs and outcomes. Services may include technical assistance, training for child care providers, consumer education, and/or consumer referral. MPPF will act as the Regional Lead CCR&R Agency for Region 3 consisting of (Carteret, Greene, Jones, Lenoir, Martin, Onslow, and Pitt counties). Services that are provided in this activity include: 1.)Training for childcare providers: Training for DCDEE credit hours provided on childcare related topics and coordination and/or facilitation of CEU opportunities. 2.)Consumer education: Information and/or education to families about quality childcare. 3.)Consumer referral: Referring families to local childcare options. Smart Start funds may be used to cover meeting expenses; food and contracted services; event expenses including but not limited to Week of the Young Child, Teacher Appreciation, Super Saturday, Child Abuse Prevention Month, Kids Fest etc. Staff will initiate outreach activities and events to promote CCR&R services and educate the community on quality childcare standards. Smart Start funds will support a minimum of 3 FTE, staff development, educational materials, incentives, and travel including vehicle maintenance and transportation costs allowed by NC Smart Start Cost Principles.
Parents as Teachers (5509): The Parents as Teachers (PAT) program will provide the following services in adherence to the Parents as Teachers national Center (PATNC) essential requirements: (1) personal visits; (2) group connections; (3) developmental screenings and a health review that includes a record of hearing, vision and general health status; and (4) referrals to community resources. The PAT program will serve a family with children ages birth to five years. Eighty percent (80%) of the target population will have at least one risk factor and identified as most appropriate for PAT services in the community. The program will address each of the essential requirements as documented on the program's affiliate plan, which is updated every five years and be implemented to model fidelity as demonstrated by the program data reported on the annual Affiliate Performance Report (APR). Smart Start funds will support a minimum of 2 FTEs, staff development, educational materials, incentives, travel, vehicle maintenance and transportation costs allowed by NC Smart Start Cost Principles. Funds may also be used for meeting expenses, food, events and contracted services.
Child Care Service Association Resource and Referral (CCSA R&R) (7104) - Regional child care resource and referral lead agency serving 7 counties. They are Martin, Pitt, Lenoir, Greene, Carteret and Jones counties. The organization partners with the Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) to administer 2 regional projects: Infant-toddler enhancement and Healthy Social Behaviors. The child care resource and referral provides a variety of services that include referrals for parents seeking child care, early childhood resources and information for parents and child care professionals. In addition, early childhood training opportunities, consultation for child care related issues and help with professional development materials, equipment and resources available. 148 licensed programs received technical assistance; 441 licensed classroom/homes received technical assistance; 729 families received childcare referrals; 278 training sessions were conducted; 469.5 training hours were delivered; 1,772 child care professionals trained
Child Care Health Consultant (Martin and Pitt):(3414) (Martin County) The Child Care Health Consultation model promotes follows the North Carolina CCHC Service Model for implementation of the activity by providing the following services to childcare facilities, staff and others as needed. Services that are provided using Smart Start dollars in this activity include: 1) Technical assistance: Technical assistance (in the form of consultation and coaching) provided to early childhood educators working in start-up, licensed and/or GS-110 childcare facilities serving children birth to five years old. The Technical Assistance will be focused on improving the capacity of providers to identify and promote healthy and safe environments for children in childcare settings. 2) Training for childcare providers: Training for DCDEE credit hours provided on health and safety education related topics and coordination of CEU opportunities. The NC Child Care Health and Safety Assessment will be used to conduct classroom-based assessments to develop a quality improvement plan, informing technical assistance and training. Documentation is maintained for all technical assistance and training. The Child Care Health Consultant (CCHC) is a Registered Nurse with a Degree in Nursing (ASN or BSN) or a health professional with a minimum of a bachelor's degree in health education or a health-related field. The health professional is or will become a qualified CCHC in North Carolina through the completion of the NC Child Care Health Consultant Training Course and receipt of a certificate of qualification. Smart Start funds may be used to cover meeting expenses and/or food and contracted services. Health and safety materials based on needs identified in the NC Child Care Health and Safety assessment, may be provided to eligible participants in accordance with locally approved policies & procedures.
Community Outreach (5517): This activity will promote the benefits of early childhood programs/services and family involvement, as well as activities to inform families of available services and resources and may seek to increase access to services. This activity will engage in outreach and engagement through social media, website management, outreach events and materials, public relations and marketing, event planning/participation, developing and enhancing outreach materials, etc. Smart Start funds will support a minimum of 1 FTE, staff development, travel, educational materials, and incentives. Funds may also, support vehicle maintenance and transportation costs allowed by NC Smart Start Cost Principles as well as meeting expenses, event expenses, food, and contracted services.
Program Coordination and Evaluation (5603): The Program Evaluation and Monitoring (PEM) staff will provide technical assistance to all the Partnerships in-house and direct service providers to ensure effectiveness in delivery, quality customer service, compliance and expectations of Martin-Pitt Partnership and the North Carolina Partnership for Children (NCPC). Monitoring of program outcomes and outputs and their effectiveness in meeting the goals and objectives outlined in the strategic plan will be conducted according to NCPC guidelines. PEM staff will participate on community initiatives and serve as a liaison as assigned by the Executive Director. PEM staff will develop the annual plan, oversee the multi-year program bidding proposal process, research other available programs that fit the Partnerships mission and community needs and disseminate programmatic reports. Smart Start funds will support a minimum of 1 FTE, staff development and travel.
Literacy Programs: Raising A Reader (5512): A Raising A Reader (RAR) Community Coordinator will implement Raising A Reader, a program that promotes improved literacy development through daily book sharing between caregivers and young children. The RAR Coordinator will hold a bachelor's degree in early childhood education or related human service field and is required to attend the RAR National Coordinator Training prior to initial implementation. Coordinators will host two trainings for the site implementers that have been identified to participate in this project. Identified families will be loaned a book bag containing high quality developmentally appropriate children's books. The books will be exchanged each week. Parents of the children in the project will be invited to participate in at least two parent workshops where they will learn book sharing strategies. At least one library event will be provided for RAR participants and their families. Participants and their families will be provided with library information, library card application, and other community literacy resources. The program will be implemented with model fidelity as described above. Child care centers, child care homes, or other community sites with a high percentage of low-income children will be targeted. Smart Start funds will support a minimum of 2 FTEs, staff development, educational materials, incentives, books, child care for participants, travel, vehicle maintenance and transportation costs allowed by NC Smart Start Cost Principles. Funds may also be used for meeting expenses, events, food and contracted services.
Nurse Family Partnership (5525): The Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) will be implemented to model fidelity. Registered Nurses will conduct home visits lasting 60-90 minutes each. Visits will occur weekly from enrollment to six weeks after delivery; biweekly until 21 months; and monthly until the child's second birthday. Smart Start funds may be used to cover expenses for meetings and/or events.
Dolly Parton Imagination Library (5526): The Dolly Parton's Imagination Library activity will promote emergent literacy skills through a partnership with Dollywood Foundation. Through this activity, age appropriate books will be mailed to registered children birth up to age five (0-5) monthly. Families will be recruited in target zip codes. Children are eligible to receive books regardless of family income. The books will be ordered using the Dollywood Foundation Book Ordering System (BOS) database.
REACH OUT AND READ (5523): Literacy program; books.
LENDING LIBRARY (3115): Martin-Pitt Partnership for Children's Lending Library activity will offer a variety of materials to support childcare providers, families, early care and education students and professionals with young children's learning and development. The Lending Library will provide access to child development resources and materials such as, but not limited to books, manipulatives, reference materials, curriculum kits, etc. Items for check out will be available to educators, families with children ages birth to five years, college students, early interventionists, etc. Guidance on the appropriate use of materials may be provided. The Lending Library will also serve as a resource room with access to die cuts, laminating machines, circuit machines, book binding machines, copiers, etc. Staff will coordinate access to early childhood education resources and materials for childcare staff, families and young children. Smart Start funds will support staff development, travel, educational materials, incentives, vehicle maintenance and transportation cost allowed by NC Smart Start Cost Principles. Funds may also be used for meeting expenses, events, food and contracted services.
QUALITY ENHANCEMENT (3125): QUEST (Quality Enhancement Technical Assistance) is an activity designed to promote continuous quality improvement of childcare centers and/or homes. Services that are provided using Smart Start dollars in this activity include: 1.) Technical assistance: Technical assistance in the form of coaching and modeling provided to early childhood educators working in start-up, licensed and/or GS-110 childcare facilities serving children birth to five years old. The Technical Assistance activity will be focused on improving participating facilities star levels; participating facilities star rating education and program standards points; ITERS/ECERS/FCCERS scores; CLASS scores; POEMS scores. 2.) Training for childcare providers: Training for DCDEE credit hours provided on childcare related topics and coordination of CEU opportunities. Smart Start funds will support staff development, educational materials, incentives, cash grants, non- cash grants, vehicle maintenance and transportation costs allowed by NC Smart Start Cost Principles. Funds may also be used for meeting expenses, events, food and contracted services.
POSITIVE PARENTING PROGRAM (TRIPLE P) (5505): The Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) is a parenting program that will be implemented to model fidelity. Parents/caregivers will complete an intake interview where the individual needs are assessed, and the group offerings can be tailored to meet parental needs. Eight sessions will be conducted, consisting of (4) 2-hour group sessions, (3) 15-30-minute follow-up telephone sessions, and (1) final program session. Various assessments will be utilized as outlined in the Practitioner's Manual for Group Triple P. Parents will receive a certificate of completion when all sessions and assessments are fulfilled. Smart Start funds will support a minimum of 2 FTE, staff development, travel, educational materials, and incentives. Funds may also support vehicle maintenance and transportation costs allowed by NC Smart Start Cost Principles as well as meeting expenses, event expenses, food and contracted services.
Community outreach (5617):

Grants made by Martin / Pitt Partnership for Children

GranteeGrant descriptionAmount
Carteret Smart StartChildcare Resource and Referral$46,602
One Place / Onslow County Partnership for Children (OCPC)Childcare Resource and Referral.$33,331
Jones County Partnership for ChildrenChildcare Resource and Referral$14,037

Who funds Martin / Pitt Partnership for Children

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
North Carolina Partnership for ChildrenNC Young Children$1,601,318
Child Care Services AssociationChild Care Resources and Referral Services$439,333
Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Family FoundationMPPFC Literacy Programs$20,000
...and 1 more grant received

Personnel at Martin / Pitt Partnership for Children

Meron Berhane FinchChief Financial Officer$16,302
Sharon CooperExecutive Director$85,703
Ginger LittleVice Chair$0
Dwain CooperChair$0
Wes GrayTreasurer$0
...and 7 more key personnel

Financials for Martin / Pitt Partnership for Children

RevenuesFYE 06/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$2,178,672
Program services$14,972
Investment income and dividends$0
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$0
Net income from fundraising events$-17,339
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$10,171
Total revenues$2,186,476

Form 990s for Martin / Pitt Partnership for Children

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-062023-11-13990View PDF
2022-062023-03-24990View PDF
2021-062021-11-30990View PDF
2020-062021-04-06990View PDF
2019-062020-08-20990View PDF
...and 9 more Form 990s

Organizations like Martin / Pitt Partnership for Children

The Children's Council of Watauga CountyBoone, NC$2,188,112
Boys Hope - Girls Hope of ColoradoAurora, CO$895,633
Way To GrowMinneapolis, MN$10,509,476
Children First CenterAuburn, IN$1,848,939
Columbus County Partnership for ChildrenWhiteville, NC$684,424
Annie Malone Children and Family Service CenterSaint Louis, MO$2,778,723
Best Foot Forward FoundationBoca Raton, FL$2,615,800
Children and Family Resource Center of Henderson CountyHendersonville, NC$2,067,316
Thea Bowman HouseUtica, NY$2,961,320
Texas Network of Youth ServicesincAustin, TX$1,576,498
Data update history
July 7, 2024
Used new vendors
Identified 1 new vendor, including
May 19, 2024
Received grants
Identified 3 new grant, including a grant for $439,333 from Child Care Services Association
January 19, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
January 18, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 3 new personnel
July 22, 2023
Received grants
Identified 3 new grant, including a grant for $1,616,779 from North Carolina Partnership for Children
Nonprofit Types
Grantmaking organizationsHuman service organizationsYouth service charitiesCharities
EducationHuman servicesChildren
Fundraising eventsReceives government fundingTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
111 Eastbrook Dr
Greenville, NC 27858
Metro area
Greenville, NC
Pitt County, NC
Website URL
(252) 758-8885
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
P30: Childrens and Youth Services
NAICS code, primary
624110: Child and Youth Services
Parent/child status
Free account sign-up

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