Program areas at Maryland Family Care
Maryland Family Care, Inc. ("mfc") operates a primary Care physician enterprise. Mfc physicians are located throughout baltimore city, baltimore county and anne arundel county. Mfc is a wholly owned subsidiary of mercy health services, Inc. ("mhs"). Mhs owns and operates a catholic healthcare system in Maryland, under the sponsorship of the sisters of mercy. Mhs is also the parent of mercy medical center, Inc., which owns and operates an acute Care hospital in downtown baltimore as well as numerous outpatient hospital specialty clinics. Mhs is also the parent of stella maris, Inc., which owns and operates a nursing home, a residential and home hospice services and a home health agency. Mfc employs 126 primary Care physicians and nurse practitioners who provide primary Care services in offices located on the campus of mercy medical center and throughout baltimore city, and in anne arundel and baltimore counties. Mfc employs a number of physicians to serve as hospitalists, who Care for patients admitted to mercy medical center, thereby improving the quality of Care for mercy's acute Care patients. Mfc's nurse practitioners provide services to uninsured patients in mercy's nursery and children's health outreach program. Mfc incurs substantial costs providing the community with the hospitalist and nurse practitioner programs. During the 2021 tax year, mfc incurred a cost of $3,660,905 from providing the hospitalist program and the nurse practitioner program. 2.0% of the patients served by the hospitalist and nurse practitioner programs are uninsured. Through its employed physicians, mfc provides medical director services to the stella maris nursing home and hospice programs, and provides healthcare services directly to the residents of stella maris. Many mfc physicians participate in medical education, including participation in mercy's internal medicine residency program. Mfc also has an affiliation agreement with the Family health centers of baltimore, Inc., pursuant to which mfc arranges for physician staffing for fhcb's downtown clinic. Fhcb is a federally qualified health center. In fiscal year 2022, mfc provided Care to patients through 272,708 office visits, 3 hospital visits, and 2,328 nursing home visits. Through its hospitalist and nurse practitioner programs, mfc provided services to approximately 25,537 patients.