Program areas at Maryland Forestry Foundation
$1,116,407 were expenses associated with the Healthy Forests, Healthy Water initiative as part of a Maryland Department of Natural Resources grant agreement. We managed 5 separate grants for the state in 2023. The Foundation contracts with natural resources consultants and tree planting contractors, to implement tree planting projects on private land in conjunction with Maryland Forest Service staff. These initiatives are intended to deliver quantifiable nutrient & sediment reductions for water quality purposes. The Foundation engages the local volunteer Forestry Boards by providing training and technical assistance that allows them to document the projects' implementation and to monitor their success. We paid out $1,067,423 to tree planting and tree maintenance contractors across the state. The remaining expenses include $44,714 for Foundation management and accounting and $4,270 in mileage reimbursements.
We administer the financial side of the grant programs of the Maryland Urban & Community Forestry Committee (MUCFC) and the Maryland Dept of Transportation (MDOT) Urban Tree grant program. The MUCFC grant program gave out 13 grants in 8 counties worth $8,654. The MDOT distributed 23 grants in 8 counties worth $77,741. Due to the time-limited grant requirements from MDOT, we had to return $51,159 to them before their fiscal yearend of 6/30/23. MUCFC also spent $1,164 to administer an award program for municipalities that meet the tree care requirements for receiving award plaques. The revenue is made up of a grant from MD DNR of $40,000 for MUCFC and a grant from MDOT of $85,000.
The Foundation awards four $10,000 Mel Fellowships to college students who are pursuing degrees in a Natural Resources field. The 4 Fellows spend 10 months promoting the Natural Resources Careers Camp and/or various Urban Forestry programs and initiatives. In travels and meetings across the state, students are introduced to a wide range of industry, government and nonprofit professionals, making important contacts for future job searches. The program is made possible by a grant from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Beyond the monthly $1,000 in payments to the Fellows, the remainder of expenses are associated with conferences, travel reimbursement, website management and program administration.
$87818 in Other Exps: $32,219 in expenses associated with the Natural Resources Careers Camp (NRCC - incl travel, promotion, etc), $2,819 of mileage reimbursement to the Big Tree program volunteers, $23,580 in development of a new website, $22,930 management of 3 separate grants, $3,525 distribution of donations to Forestry Boards, $2,745 all other prgm support. $93,861 in Other Revenue: $34,892 NRCC, $300 Big Tree contributions, $3,525 contributions to Forestry Boards, $55,000 grant from DNR for Foundation operations, $144 interest income.