Program areas at Maryland State Golf Association
The Maryland handicap program is a joint venture with the middle atlantic section of the pga providing handicap services to 161 clubs with over 47,000 members.
Support for enhancing and improving the game of Golf in the State of Maryland: -the msga sponsors the emmet gary scholarship which is presented annually to agronomy students at the university of Maryland. Since 1969, there have been 163 recipients who have received scholarships totaling over $393,000. Many of the students have gone on to become Golf course superintendents in Maryland and across the country.-the msga became a co-sponsor of the first tee metro tour in the State of Maryland in 2013. The first tee metro tour is a developmental tournament series that is open to the first tee participants from the greater Washington, d.c., howard county, baltimore, prince george's county and montgomery county chapters. The participants must be an active first tee participant, at least 12 years of age and a birdie level participant. Msga contributes $5,000 per year.-since 2006, the msga has awarded educational scholarships to individuals employed by msga member clubs and/or their children, and to students having completed their junior year of high school with a bona fide connection to the game of Golf. Scholarships to date have totaled $258,125 to more than 70 students.-the msga is offering support to junior golfers in their pursuit of obtaining a Golf scholarship. This program started in 2015. Two $500 grants were awarded in 2019 and one $500 grant was awarded in 2020.
The msga partnered with youth on course in 2018 to bring access to Golf for $5 or less to youth in Maryland. Youth on course subsidizes the greens fees to ensure Golf courses do not lose money while participating in the program. Youth on course headquarters paid for all subsidies during 2018 and 2019, but starting in 2020, the msga is fully responsible for paying subsidies to participating courses. The subsidies amounted to $115,248 in 2023 with over 3,800 kids ages 6-18 are currently members of youth on course Maryland.
Various program services and membership dues