Program areas at MIE
Advanced placement (ap) stem & english program. Our ap stem & english program (the program) is a public-private partnership to increase theparticipation and performance of black, latino, and students from low-income households in rigorous coursework and prepare students for college success. This program is distinguished by the depth and breadth of its program components, its scale, and its history of impact. The 2022-23 school year marked the fourteenth year of the program in which we provided school and district supports, teacher training, coaching and classroom supports, and direct student supports ranging from out-of-classroom learning time to exam fee subsidies for low income students. We partnered with 96 high schools across Massachusetts and rhode island to serve over 11,000 students. The program is the largest secondary stem program in Massachusetts. Collectively, students in partner schools completed 14,541 ap stem & english exams and earned 6,695 qualifying ap stem & english exam scores. During sy2021-22, the last year for which statewide comparison data is available, students in mi partner schools accounted for 40% of the ap stem & english exams completed by black and latino students statewide and 30% of the qualifying ap stem & english exam scores received by black and latino students statewide.
School improvement. Our school improvement team works with schools, districts, and state Education agencies nationwide. Our support includes diagnostics such as equity audits and school readiness assessments. We also facilitate school improvement planning and support schools as they implement their plan and other strategic initiatives.during 2022-23, Mass Insight's school improvement efforts engaged 11 partners serving 292 schools and 180,241 racially/ethnically and socioeconomically diverse students. During sy2022-23, the racial/ethnic and socioeconomic composition of the average mi partner was 42% low-income, 22% latino, 26% black, 44% white and 3% asian. Mass Insight's school improvement efforts also affected many low-performing schools. During sy2022-23, 31% of schools affected by Mass Insight's partnership were designated by states as in need of "comprehensive support and improvement or "targeted support and improvement. "partners reported improved leadership and planning capacity as well as enhanced coherence and collective responsibility. Overall, 90% of administrators participating in mi's evaluation efforts agreed or strongly agreed that partnering with mi notably enhanced their capacity to make informed decisions regarding priority areas. Eighty percent agreed or strongly agreed that mi's support played a crucial role in helping them develop actionable improvement plans that address the root causes of low performance. Similarly, 79% of survey respondents agreed or strongly agreed that mi's support significantly enhanced coherence within their organization.