Program areas at MAC
Program 1: disability education justice initiative and autism center (deji/ac)disability education justice initiative - mac continues its historic and visible role within the state, leading multi-pronged advocacy efforts to remove inequities and ensure that all Children with disabilities, including Children of color, Children from immigrant and multilingual communities, and Children from low-income families receive a high quality and inclusive education. Mac's autism center is a pioneering voice in autism advocacy. Launched in 2002, the autism center works with elected officials and partners to create laws and regulations to ensure that Children and young adults with autism have access to the services and resources they need in order to reach their full potential.
Program 3: racial equity and access project (reap) racial equity and access program ("reap") works collaboratively to transform k-12 education into a racially equitable system in boston. Reap's works with the district and other boston public school stakeholders to address the root causes of racial inequity in boston's schools.
Program 2: Children's law support project (clsp) and the trauma and learning policy initiative (tlpi)children's law support project and trauma learning policy initiative in its role as a statewide center for the civil legal aid system in Massachusetts, mac coordinates a statewide legal and legislative agenda on behalf of vulnerable low income Children, including those who are homeless, disabled, at risk of school expulsion, and/or suffering from the traumatic effects of exposure to family violence. Under this program, mac provides an intake helpline, recruits pro-bono attorneys.the trauma and learning policy initiative ("tlpi") is a collaboration between mac and harvard law school ("hls") which is formalized in a memorandum of understanding ("mou"). In september 2021, mac received notification from management of the tlpi program both within mac and hls that they did not intend to renew the mou which was set to expire on june 30, 2022, and that the program would be moved fully to hls after this date. Subsequently, the mou was extended to expire on january 31, 2023, after which time two employees who managed this program left mac's employment. Mac and hls are undergoing negotiations to facilitate and formalize the separation which will include a financial reconciliation of various assets and liabilities attributed to the program, and which is expected to be finalized by the end of 2024. Management of mac has not experienced a material impact to its financial condition or the results of operations due to the loss of this program.
Program 4: forwardadelanteavanteavanse tien ve phia truoc!~ ~horey! Focuses on advancing the education rights of immigrant and multilingual Children. Mac does this through legal advocacy and parent/caregiver training that then informs its systemic advocacy at the school district, state agency, and legislative levels. Mac's work through this program is done in coordination with other mac programs as well as a mac-led multilingual and multicultural group of special education Advocates and attorneys from throughout the state that comprise the immigrants and multilingual learners with disabilities coalition. Stop the school-to-prison pipeline program ("stopp")-- stop the school-to-prison pipeline (stopp) program dismantles the school-to-prison pipeline in Massachusetts with a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach which combines the effectiveness of legal and policy advocacy, the impact of a broad-based coalition, and the power of student, family, and community mobilization.
Program 5: stop the school-to-prison pipeline program ("stopp")-- stop the school-to-prison pipeline (stopp) program works to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline in Massachusetts with a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach which combines the effectiveness of legal and policy advocacy, the impact of a broad-based coalition, and the power of student, family, and community mobilization.