Program areas at MassBioEd
The bioteach program focuses on strengthening the ability of teachers to deliver lab-centered, inquiry-based lessons in Biotechnology in their classrooms. The program introduces teachers to basic concepts in biology and Biotechnology with specific laboratory-based curricula designed for teaching concepts. The program offers free professional development workshops for educators; training, curricula, and on and off-site mentoring to newly trained teachers; assistance to teachers with content acquisition, preparation and execution of classroom activities. The program also offers grants for lab equipment, supplies and materials. Students are introduced to careers through college and career engagement experiences with colleges and companies and through our bank of volunteer career ambassadors who visit schools and meet with students remotely and on-site when possible.our bioteach program held 12 teacher professional development workshops, with total attendance of 154 teachers across all workshops. Across all bioteach programming, we engaged nearly 10,000 students in authentic science learning. The teacher trainings were very successful with over 90% of participants reporting an increase in confidence in executing lab activities in their classroom or reporting that they expect to utilize the resources in their classroom. We were also able to bring our intensive access program of authentic science content and career awareness to over 4,250 students in low-income and high-need school districts.
Our professional training courses provide technical and soft skills training and development to individuals in the industry. The courses are developed in conjunction with industry professionals and include biotech 101, Biotechnology project management, and leadership development among others. In 2022 corporate professional training introduced new technical and soft skills training courses with a record 622 enrollments across all trainings.
Biotalent included several different programs focused on understanding, building, and supporting workforce development and career awareness. Activities included:a. Labor market information provide job trend analysis, and a greaterunderstanding of the industry's workforce needs in terms of skills toeducators and those in industry. In 2022, Massbioed published the Massachusetts life sciences employment outlook, and convened the life sciences workforce 2022 conference in may, which attracted over 331 participants.b. Career engagement builds a critical bridge between classroom and careers. Career ambassadors help teachers broaden their students' horizons and encourage an interest in the life sciences. Several modes of interaction are offered, from formal career panels to small groupq&a sessions.c. Apprenticeship programto grow and diversify the workforce, biotalent launched life sciencesapprenticeship program that offers streamlined pathways into theindustry. The program combines technical training, on-site workexperience, and income support. Working with leading life scienceemployers, Massbioed has designed two apprenticeships - one forbiomanufacturing technicians and one for clinical trial associates.both programs enable individuals to obtain foundational knowledge andindustry recognized skills, and quickly transition into employment thatprovides meaningful work, family-sustaining wages, and career 2022, the apprenticeship program had multiple cycles of apprenticetraining with a total of 66 apprentices, 65% of whom were females and60% were poc.
Corporate professional development (cpd) program provides professional development opportunities for incumbent workers and those interested in careers in the industry.