Program areas at Massequality Education Fundorg
Massequality increased public support for prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in public accommodations through: increasing the number of cities and towns in the commonwealth prohibiting public accommodations discrimination against transgender people from nine to thirteen; securing public support of key businesses associations representing public accommodations; organizing transgender individuals, families and allies through phone banking and recruitment at various public events to speak in support of these protections at various public hearings; placing articles in local and statewide newspapers as well as in online media outlets; and organizing online campaigns leveraging our website and social media.
As a member of the statewide commission on lgbtq elders, Massequality helped write a report on the status of lgbtq elders in Massachusetts, and educated the public about the needs of lgbtq elders through e-mail communications.
As a member of the id and connections working group of the nation's first statewide commission on unaccompanied homeless youth, Massequality helped to measure the gaps in services for lgbtq homeless youth. Massequality also worked to educate the public about the need for improved services to support homeless, unaccompanied lgbtq youth through email communications.
Massequality also educated the public about other issues facing the lgbtq community, including hiv/aids, intimate partner violence, health disparities, aging, and necessary social support services through email communications, social media, our website, opinion editorials, and placement of articles in print and online media outlets.