Program areas at Mathematical Association of America
Federal/other externally funded programs - the maa provides advice and technical assistance, which enhance Mathematical education, through the support of federal government agencies and other external funders.
American Mathematical competitions (amc) seeks to strengthen the math capabilities of our nation's youth, we identify, recognize and reward excellence in math through a series of national contests. About 400,000 students from 6,000 schools compete annually in one or more of these tests targeting the average to the most gifted math student. The culmination of these tests is the selection, training and international competition of the six students who represent the us. The us team is usually among the top 3 teams. The maa-amc also selects and sponsors teams that participate in the china girl's math olympiad.
Membership services - the maa members include university, college, and high school teachers; graduate and undergraduate students; pure and applied mathematicians; computer scientists; statisticians; stem professionals, and many others in academia, government, business, and industry. The maa provides membership services centered around our core values: community, inclusivity, communication, teaching & learning. We support the mission and core values through outreach, programs, meetings, competitions, and publications, as well as national committees and 29 regional sections.
The maa publishes an array of peer-reviewed journals, both print and electronic representing maa's commitment to high-quality exposition of math and teaching at the collegiate level. Available are the maa focus which is the maa's news magazine. Also available are the America Mathematical monthly (10,000 subscribers), the most widely circulated journal of collegiate math in the world. Mathematics magazine (8,000) and the college math journal (8,000) offer a wide array of math topics. The online publication convergence emphasizes applets and other digital resources and the history of math. Math horizons (12,000) is aimed at the undergraduate student.maa publishes many books per year and maintains past titles totaling hundreds of books available. We serve primarily faculty and undergraduate students with some select titles suitable for students and faculty at the graduate level. Textbooks and textbook supplements are a significant component of our titles with the aim to provide high quality books to students at affordable prices. We also offer pedagogical and books of math problems to accommodate a wide range of readers. We also offer math biographies, popular works and monographs, all of which are widely accessible to the general public.
All other program services not listed above.