Program areas at Mathkind Global
US Professional Development. In 2023 we reopened our Teacher Trip program to US teachers, providing professional development opportunities within a context that emphasizes cultural education expansion, connection and exchange. Through our new partnership with the Wisconsin Math Council we built a joint experience for 12 US educators to travel to Antigua, Guatemala, for one week and receive virtual, year-round professional development to engage in culturally relevant learning in their classrooms and workspaces. We also hosted an open trip to Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala, with nine educators from around the US who were immersed in rural, indigenous culture at a local school. Additionally, we delivered a two-week partnership in Nepal with Kathmandu University for 12 US professors who were given the opportunity to develop an understanding of non-US approaches to education. They visited a variety of local schools, attended roundtable discussions learning about math education challenges from Nepalese educators, and experienced an immersion in Nepalese culture, traditions, and math education history. Through a Morgan Creek Foundation grant we launched our successful Girls STEM Club in North Carolina, working with 25 girls and 4 teachers through 9 sessions. We also worked with Carver Elementary School in Raleigh, NC to incorporate Global Math Stories into their school improvement plan; impacting all grades for a total 450 students plus their teachers.
Community Outreach. Our international and national community outreach connected with teachers across the globe through our bilingual Global Math Stories (GMS) Conference and website as well as participating in conferences in the US, Peru, and Ecuador. Our GMS Conference reached 113 teachers, mainly from the US, Ecuador, and Guatemala, and developed over nine hours of recorded educational videos that now form part of our free online content in Participate. We presented our unique educational content at three conferences (two international and two national) with a reach of over 3,500 educators.
International Professional Development. In 2023 we returned to in-person programs whilst offering virtual options for greater access and reach. We ran a total of 21 programs working directly with 2,280 K-12 international teachers and 161 students and indirectly reaching over 70,000 students. The expansion of our flagship programs - MathMobile and Girls STEM Club - have allowed us to deepen the professional development work we do with teachers and advance in our theory of change and program model to progress teachers from "Learn" to "Apply." Additionally our bi-annual virtual program, Math Marathon, continues to grow its audience and reach more teachers with each iteration.