Program areas at MPF-YMCA
Description of program service one: youth development our Ymca is committed to nurturing the potential of every child and teen. Character development is important to us and we believe that all kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve. That is why we help young people cultivate the values, skills and relationships that lead to a positive behaviors, better health and educational achievement. Our Ymca programs, such as tumbling/gymnastics - teaches fundamental and advanced gymnastics, tumbling skills, develops self-confidence and social relationships; youth sports - provides health lifestyle activities for youth, encourages teamwork and brings together people with shared athletic interests; ykids afterschool and summer childcare - a safe, nurturing environment for children to learn, grow and develop social skills; wellness classes - encourages and guides youth and teens to maintain or improve physical activity, health and wellbeing; swim lessons - teaches swimming skills in a positive, encouraging environment to help youth improve their abilities and gain self-confidence. Ykids school year scholarships 26 kids 6,800 ykids summer scholarships 30 kids 10,200 youth/teen program scholarships 186 kids 6,740 Ymca programs offer a range of experiences that enrich cognitive, social, physical and emotional growth.
Description of program service three: social responsibility our Ymca believes in giving back and supporting our neighbors. We have been listening and responding to our community's most critical social needs. Ymca programs, such as safety around water, ambassadors and connect, youth and adult special needs and togetherhood are examples of how we deliver training, resources and support that empower our neighbors to effect change, bridge gaps and overcome obstacles. We engage Ymca members, participants and volunteers in activities that strengthen our community and pave the way for future generations to thrive. Our safety around water program was taught to 257 2nd grade students from our community and some surrounding communities. It is a six week program that teaches positive water safety and swim skills that build confidence in and around the water. The value of this program, 12,794, is provided by Ymca donors, the Ymca and united way. Youth special needs students of usd 418 are provided weekly swimming time at the y during the school year. This is made possible through joint effort of the Ymca and the usd 418 paying a nominal fee. Adult special needs members and their caregivers and high school alternative students used the Ymca 1,284 times as part of their daily life. For a nominal annual fee the Ymca provides services to this sector of our community, as they truly love coming to the Mcpherson Family Ymca. Ambassador and connect programs offered to middle school teens. It teaches leadership based learning with core values of the Ymca along with group activities. Provided by the united way of Mcpherson county, Mcpherson recreation commission and Mcpherson Family Ymca, with cooperation from usd 418. To help others give back to our community, we provide access to volunteer opportunities through class instruction, facility maintenance, childcare assistants, board leadership, committee involvement, support staff and togetherhood. The 214 volunteers support the y's critical work with approximately 1,300 hours a year. As part of our mission our programs are accessible, affordable and open to all faiths, backgrounds, abilities and income levels. We provide financial assistance to people who otherwise may not have been able to afford to participate. 88 families, 61 adults, 2 college students, 10 teenagers, and 6 youth received assistance valuated at 50,811.
Description for program service two: healthy living the Ymca is a leading voice on health and well-being. We bring families closer together, encourage good health and foster connection through fitness, sports, fun and shared interest. As a result, people in the community are receiving the support, guidance and resources they need to achieve greater health in spirit, mind and body. This is particularly important as our nation struggles with an obesity crisis, families struggle with work/life balance and individuals search for personal fulfillment. Our Ymca offers a variety of healthy living choices: aquatic programs for all ages ranging from swim lessons, Family swims, lap swimming,water walking, arthritis classes, and other aqua fitness classes. Aquatic programs enable all ages and fitness levels to participate despite physical limitations or mobility issues. Land programs consists of yoga (stretch, sunrise midday, power), aerobic dance, les mills body pump, pilates, enhance fitness,boot camp, power step, y-spin, volleyball, racquetball,pickleball, cardio/weights, personal training, blood pressure and bmi checks and healthy living sessions.