Program areas at Meadowlands Area YMCA
Youth development - we bring our core values of respect, honesty, caring and responsibility to the children in our care by providing a welcoming environment in which parents and children can engage in positive activities that help build the mind, body and spirit. Through our summer camps, aquatics, enrichment, childcare and day care programs we strive to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors that help guide and support our children to develop life skills that help them in their future.
21st century community learning center - the Meadowlands Area Ymca will be providing a free before and after care program that is rich in academic remediation and enrichment to the students at the robert l. craig school in moonachie. This 21st century program will provide a strong remediation program that addresses specific learning gaps and skills identified by classroom teachers and njask tests. Certified teachers in mathematics and language arts will conduct one-on-one tutoring, homework help and small-group instruction. In addition, the program will provide study island, read 180, skill building challenge activities and a wide variety of enrichment activities, such as drama club, musical theater, martial arts and behavioral strategies including bullying intervention strategies that work, mad science, hobby quest, robotics, swim lessons and educational field success center - the Meadowlands family success center ("fsc') is a family centered, community based, neighborhood gathering place for all bergen county residents. Families cam come to the fsc to receive support, information and services that help reduce isolation and foster connections between families. The overarching goal of the fsc is to prevent child maltreatment by strengthening individual and family ties. The fsc helps families achieve these goals by offering enrichment activities such as: parenting courses, financial courses, financial literacy, job readiness, esl classes and more. All services are free to the community. The meadlowlands fsc is operated by the Meadowlands Ymca with federal and state funding.
Healthy living - we served 347 families made up of 930 individuals including 218 children under the age of 18 and 268 seniors age 60 or older. We served an estimated 50,000 pounds of food during this time. We estimate we distributed 302,000 pounds of food at our monthly distributions, with an average of 400 families/cars a month. By extending health care to community settings, we improve the health of communities and help reduce health care costs for individuals, employers, and insurers. Including everyone in our community is paramount to our cause, as such we offer programs specifically designed for older adults. We began working with the american red cross to hold blood drives which resulted in 12 blood drives that collected enough blood to save more than 1,500 lives. To help families and individuals with food insecurities, we continue to be a food distribution site for the great bergen Area and have provided more than 1,800,000 meals to over 110,000 families and individuals. This program will continue for the forseeable future.